RP Hooks

How To Use This Page

This summary of completed character profiles is intended as a resource for those seeking hooks for RP and stories.

If looking for a hook:

  1. Choose an appropriate keyword for a Ctrl-F text search (for example enter "medic" in the box if hoping for clinic RP).
  2. For each search hit, you may click on the character's name or icon to go to their profile.
  3. If you get no hits or want to broaden your search, try related keywords.
  4. Contact the person(s) who are just what you need to do your thing!

Active Characters

These characters are currently active and available for RP.

Ace Stormhammer

Player: teensy
Race: Dwarf • Class: Paladin • Homeland: Ironforge

RP Hooks

Ace is a Stormhammer, a respected family of smiths famous for their magical hammers. They say it was the Stormhammers of Ironforge who crafted the first of the weapons now entwined with the image of the gryphon riding Wildhammer clan. Today, her father has invested considerable wealth into building a path of influence meant to carry him to the Senate.

Those who run in political circles and the families around power may have been surprised when Aiseia took up arms and armor in the name of the light when anyone would have expected her engagement to Halvard Ironbeard - an alliance that would have helped her father's cause considerably. But when the Light wills, one must obey, after all.

Adamantia Amberpine

Player: Aly
Race: Human • Class: Rogue • Homeland: Northrend

RP Hooks

  • Alysson: A new ally of the adventurous scoundrel.
  • Native to Northrend: Got questions? Need a guide?
  • Skilled Tracker: Especially in Northrend where she grew up.
  • Druidism: Interested in learning more about druids, especially when it comes to knowledge of shapeshifting.

Addelaine Kirby

Player: Jessa
Race: Worgen • Class: Mage • Homeland: Gilneas

RP Hooks

  • Gilnean Upper Class: Addie belongs to the upper crust of society and would be known to anyone in society as the daughter of a wealthy merchant.
  • Civil War: Anyone who fought in the civil war may know the Kirbys as having been the subject of an investigation into who provided arms to the rebels. They were cleared and those in the know would be aware of young Stephen Kirby's death fighting for King Greymane, but some suspicion could remain.


Player: Josh
Race: Human • Class: Paladin • Homeland: Lakeshire
Faction(s): Stormwind Marshals, Alliance of Lordaeron, Lordaeron Brigade, Knights of the Silver Hand

RP Hooks

  • Veteran of the Second and Third Wars: Has fought in just about every major engagement of the Second War, as well as many of the battles on the Kalimdor front of the Third War. Would have respect for (and possibly familiarity with) anyone who has fought in either war, especially those who fought in Southshore during the Second War. Also deeply admires (to the point of near-worship) any veterans of the First War, and will hang on their every word, particularly if those words involve old war stories.
  • Mercenary: Prior to his involvement with Cobalt Company, was active in the Eastern Kingdoms mercenary field, and has established himself as an effective and reliable (if sloppy and unprofessional) mercenary of low-to-moderate renown.
  • Barfly: Is a heavy drinker and (and occasional drunken socializer), and would be a familiar face in the tavern scene of both Stormwind and Ironforge.

Aitne Windwright

Player: inkie
Race: Dwarf • Class: Shaman • Homeland: Northeron
Faction(s): Wildhammer Clan, Earthen Ring, Explorers' League

RP Hooks

  • Aitne is widely traveled as well as outgoing and engaged; in theory, anyone might have encountered her over the years.
  • Members of the Explorers' League may know her as an archaeologist and scholar.
  • Her fellow shamans, particularly those involved with the Earthen Ring, may know her.
  • Wildhammer dwarves in particular may know her, especially those of Northeron, or of the Twilight Highlands more generally.

Alaisa Lysander

Player: Luridel
Race: Human • Class: Rogue • Homeland: Stormwind
Faction(s): SI:7

RP Hooks

  • SI:7 Agent: You might know her if you hang out in Mathias Shaw's neck of the woods.
  • Translator: Alaisa is a linguist and exceptionally good at her job.
  • Ghost-Friendly: Alaisa can see ghosts. Ghosts tend to be supernaturally predisposed to like her.
  • Cobalt Company: Guess who translates the newsletters? Alaisa can often be found at Cobalt Company's HQ.

Alliza "Alice" Reyne

Player: Aly
Race: Human • Class: Mage • Homeland: Stormwind
Faction(s): Alliance

RP Hooks

  • Hates: She hates her parents, and she hates walking everywhere, and orcs, and murlocs, and WATER, don't even get her started about that.
  • Loves: She loves books, and Stormwind, and libraries, and magic, especially fire, and quiet, cozy, well-organized rooms.
  • Proper: And if you're not, expect to hear about it.


Player: Aly
Race: Human • Class: Priest • Homeland: Lordaeron
Faction(s): ???

RP Hooks

  • Dusty Wylderson: Her former Master, and the father of her children. Mention him at your own risk.
  • Shadow Priestess: Almeiria is highly skilled in the use of Void/Shadow magic. She may help with related problems… as long as there is something in it for her.
  • Former Twilight's Hammer Cultist: Need or have information about this cult? Almeiria is interested.
  • Alynnra: Encounters with Aly may lead to Almeiria, one way or another.

Alynnra Mondragon

Player: Aly
Race: Human • Class: Paladin • Homeland: Lordaeron
Faction(s): Alliance

RP Hooks

  • Gullible: Easily convinced of and talked into doing anything. Probably won't even realize she's been duped.
  • Lordaeron: Loves to talk about her family and her heroes Prince Arthas and Uther the Lightbringer.
  • Reading: Books, especially adventure books, or those on paladins are important to her.

Alysson Mondragon

Player: Aly
Race: Human • Class: Rogue • Homeland: Stormwind
Faction(s): Alliance

RP Hooks

  • Friendly: Give him a wave or a smile whenever you see him. You'll be his new best friend.
  • Miranda: If you know his sister, you will likely have heard of him too.
  • Elune: He LOVES Elune! Night elves beware, he will approach and talk about the moon goddess.

Amadeus Aspenwood

Player: Luridel
Race: Human • Class: Warrior • Homeland: Stormwind
Faction(s): Alliance Army

RP Hooks

  • Rich and Powerful: Amadeus is a man who has never truly had to worry about money in his life, and his family name carries weight in Stormwind's elite circles.


Player: inkie
Race: Draenei • Class: Priest • Homeland: Kaarinos, on Argus

RP Hooks

Fellow elder draenei might know her; any draenei with a taste for luxury and beautiful jewelry might be at least familiar with her by name.


Player: Alli
Race: Night Elf • Class: Warrior
Faction(s): None

RP Hooks

  • War of the Ancients: Very old night elves might know her from the War of the Ancients.
  • Sentinel Training: She has trained many young night elf women in combat who later went on to become Sentinels. She is currently accompanying her daughter on Sentinel work from time to time.
  • Healing of the Plaguelands: She is working together with Caspis and the druids in the Plaguelands, and may know people from there.
  • Druid's shalan: She spends more time these days around the Cenarion Circle/Expedition, and may be known through there.


Player: inkie
Race: Human • Class: Druid • Homeland: Drustvar, Kul Tiras

RP Hooks

  • Anyone who has done business with Siamus Fallon may have encountered Miss Curran.
  • Kul Tiran expats may have met her.
  • People with connections in finance, shipping, international business and the like may have had cause to meet or work with her.
  • Underworld sorts with sketchy connections in finance, procurement, etc. may have done business with her. Keep the name Fallon out of your mouth, thank you very much.

Annibeth Jansen

Player: OzmaAsimov
Race: Human • Class: Rogue • Homeland: Westfall
Faction(s): The Cobalt Eye, SI:7, Defias Brotherhood (former)

RP Hooks

  • Westfall Gal: Born and raised in Westfall and went to school in Moonbrook. Yes, she is from that Jansen Homestead, the one right there after the bridge crossing from Elwynn Forest.
  • Ex-Defias: Annibeth used to be a member of the Defias Brotherhood, where she was commonly known by the nickname "Boom-Boom". Shortly before VanCleef's demise she became disillusioned with them and left. Hey, we all make mistakes, right? Right?
  • Ms. Fix-it: Though not an inventor by any means, Anni is a skilled technician and can repair pretty much any machine she encounters, and she can follow a schematic to build most anything you like.
  • Kaboomies!: Anni loves anything that explodes! Dynamite, bombs, fireworks, guns…if it goes boom, it excites her.
  • Hard of Hearing: Years of working with the anvil and explosives has damaged Anni's hearing, and leaving her entirely deaf in her left ear, and hard of hearing in her right. This has caused more than a few misunderstandings, as people will sometimes think she is ignoring them or just not paying attention.

"I'm telling you, dynamite works. Anytime I had a problem and I threw dynamite…boom! Right away, I had a different problem."


Player: teensy
Race: Worgen • Class: Druid • Homeland: Gilneas

RP Hooks

Anywhere Yseulde went, there was Anselyn, and vice versa.

If you were involved in harvest witch festivals, Anselyn was there. He'd never miss one. The mysteries were very important to him.

Anyone connected to the Horticultural Society knows Anselyn Pearson, the boy who proudly exhibited his demonstration of cloning and hybridizing apple varietals. He developed Kelcrunch Pippins (a small pink flame and russet apple with crispy, acidic depth suitable for baking and cider) at his first show entry at eight.

Anselyn was at all the premieres at the Rose Theater.

Anselyn is an avid stargazer and will pester people for night sky lore.

Anselyn is a dedicated herbalist and alchemist. He uses herbcraft for medicine, and always has a supply of tinctures, tisanes, and potions on hand for treatment of anxiety and agitation.

Anselyn is deeply grateful to the Kaldorei for their help and healing, and approaches Night Elf priests and druids with great deference. He is similarly grateful to priests and paladins of the Holy Light - but approaches Gilnean Harvest witches with some agitation from what he percieves as his failures.

Apricity Hearthleigh

Player: Saaron
Race: Worgen • Class: Warrior • Homeland: Gilneas
Faction(s): Gilneas

RP Hooks

  • High society: Apricity is known in Gilneas and Stormwind high society, and there, many a fight have been started for his pretty eyes.
  • Romance: Whether real or not, casual or not, but mostly casual, Apricity is very open to games of seduction. Many of the characters he could have met in the past could have been flirted with.
  • Generosity: Apricity has developed the habit of sharing a lot of gold with people who need it. Orphans, homeless people… if any would ask, he is more than willing to give.

Arric Falrevere

Player: Mishell
Race: Human • Class: Hunter • Homeland: Northern Tiragarde Sound, Kul Tiras

RP Hooks

  • Kul Tirans: Obviously anyone else who is stranded on the mainland cut off from Kul Tiras will find a wholehearted welcome from this fellow expatriate.
  • Hunting: Do you enjoy a bit of sport? Tally-ho! Come ride with Arric through the forest in pursuit of challenging quarry!
  • Nobles: While Arric will socialize with anyone, he has more in common with people raised with the same expectations and privileges he was raised with.

Arthur Reeves

Player: teensy
Race: Human • Class: Mage • Homeland: Lordaeron
Faction(s): Kirin Tor

RP Hooks

Were you an orphan in Stormwind?
Are you part of the Kirin Tor wizard college in Stormwind?
Do you have interest or experience in engineering?
Do you like libraries?
Did you ever work as a letter carrier or a messenger?
Were you a Defias infiltrator in Stormwind?
Do you know anything about Sister Stariel and Conjuror Estlin Reeves, Veterans of the Second War, Witnesses of Lothar's Fall, lost beyond the dark portal with The Sons of Lothar?

Aszera Sunstrike

Player: Alli
Race: Blood Elf • Class: Rogue • Homeland: Quel'Thalas
Faction(s): Argent Crusade

RP Hooks

  • Third War: If your character fought or was a refugee in Silverpine or Dalaran, you might have met her.
  • Quel'Thalas: If your character has lived in Quel'Thalas, they may have met.
  • Prince Follower: If your character followed Kael'Thas Sunstrider into Outland, and for some time served him and/or Illidan Stormrage, they can have met.
  • Scryers: If your character spent time in the Scryers' Tier, they may have met.
  • Argent Crusade: If your character is in or involved with the Argent Crusade in Northrend, they may have met.
  • Ebon Blade: Aze has been making an effort at diplomacy with the Ebon Blade, so death knights and affiliates can know her.

Auralind Mistwalker

Player: OzmaAsimov
Race: Night Elf • Class: Hunter • Homeland: Astranaar, Ashenvale
Faction(s): Sentinels (Moonhunters)

RP Hooks

  • Sentinel: Auralind is a Sentinel of moderate renown. She is a scout with the Moonhunters faction.
  • Battle Veteran: Auralind has fought in several major battles. There is a certain camaraderie that forms easily among fellow veterans, especially those that served in the same conflicts.
    • Mount Hyjal - Fought in the Third War. She nearly lost her life, and did lose her sight, at Mount Hyjal.
    • The Black Temple - Present in the raid on the Black Temple to finally defeat the Betrayer, Illidan Stormrage.
    • The Wrathgate - Nearly died at the hands of the Forsaken at the Wrathgate. Her beloved lion companion, Elu'shalla, was killed.
  • Blind: Though she navigates the world with uncanny awareness, Auralind is completely blind. Her other senses were very sharp even before losing her sight, and are extraordinary now.


Player: Saaron
Race: Draenei • Class: Shaman • Homeland: The Exodar
Faction(s): Exodar

RP Hooks

  • Draenei: "Hey, I think we've met before!"
  • Shaman: Spirits seem to be angry at you for something? You'd like to try contacting someone you've lost? Let her know and, with a little bit of convincing, she might help you with all of that.
  • Shopping: You have an expensive, pretty thing to sell? She's next in line in the list of customers.


Player: Jack
Race: Dwarf • Class: Hunter • Homeland: The Hinterlands

RP Hooks

  • RP Hook: Wanna know about engineering and guns? Or wild animals? Or the Wildhammers?

Ben Hazan

Player: inkie
Race: Human • Class: Paladin • Homeland: Westfall

RP Hooks

  • Members of Westfall's PEOPLE'S MILITIA four to six years ago might be acquainted with Ben, who first offered his services to the militia as a blacksmith and then later enlisted as a militiaman himself.
  • Anyone who frequented the PIG & WHISTLE TAVERN in Stormwind two years ago might have encountered Ben; anyone who's been a regular at BRUUK'S CORNER in Ironforge during the last two years might have met him.
  • Members or associates of the ARGENT DAWN (or Argent Crusade) who served in the Plaguelands in the last year or two, or anyone who was at the Battle of Light's Hope Chapel, might know him.

Bertrand Aspenwood

Player: Luridel
Race: Human • Class: Hunter • Homeland: Stormwind
Faction(s): Alliance Army, 7th Legion

RP Hooks

  • Former 7th Legion: His unit was at Wintergarde during the siege and the events of Wrathgate.
  • Birdwatcher: He knows about birds.


Player: Mishell
Race: Gnome • Class: Mage • Homeland: Gnomeregan

RP Hooks

  • Sons of Lothar: If you were stranded on the wrong side of the Dark Portal these past couple of decades, Bonk probably made you a sandwich at some point.
  • Genius Family: You might know (or be) some of his illustrious relatives, who were almost without exception ground-breaking inventors or death-defying heroes. In this case, you likely find him something of a disappointment.


Player: Jack
Race: Gnome • Class: Warrior

RP Hooks

  • RP Hook: Need someone assaulted, kneecapped, destroyed, bent, torn, folded, spindled, and/or mutilated?

Brendol Westwind

Player: Aly
Race: Human • Class: Warrior • Homeland: Lordaeron
Faction(s): Argent Crusade

RP Hooks

  • Argent Crusade: Those involved with the Crusade may know him.
  • Harvey Morningdew: Anyone with a connection to Harvey after the fall of Lordaeron probably knows of him.
  • Ralaea: His sister.


Player: Saaron
Race: Blood Elf • Class: Priest • Homeland: Silvermoon City
Faction(s): Silvermoon City, Tranquillien

RP Hooks

  • Nobility: People who are part of Blood Elf's High society definitely know Briyanthe, or at least her family.
  • Priestess: Blood elven, and potentially Dwarven and Human (as well as former human) priests might have known her while she was studying the ways of the Light with humans. Genuine believes in the Light living in Silvermoon might know her as well, as she's very vocal about her faith.
  • Political intrigues: Help her or hinder her from reviving her house's previous importance.
  • Ego & Prophecy: She thinks she's the Chosen One because of a dream she had. It's bound to provoke a reaction in other people.
  • Medical things: Maybe you know how she could heal her brother? A way that doesn't involve… being the Chosen One.


Player: Sharksu
Race: Night Elf • Class: Druid
Faction(s): Cenarion Circle

RP Hooks

Cenarion Circle: Despite how the world has changed, the Moonglade has long been where Caederin chooses to find respite and catch up with old friends. She often offers up her time to deliver messages from the Circle to Feathermoon Stronghold, presumably because she has personal connections there. People who frequent either location may have had passing adventures or relations with her.

Felwood, Winterspring: Caederin visits both of these regions frequently, her personal goals often intertwining with the endeavors of adventurers, locals and travelers.

OLD: Kaldorei history is beyond storied, there are plenty of times and places where she could have crossed paths with those of her kind- all those memories sort of swim together after awhile.

Recent visits to the Eastern Kingdom: Caederin is particularly interested in the ecology of the marshes north of the dwarven territories. Her travels for reagents and shared experiments often bring her to Loch Modan and Menethil via Theramore.

Caliette Glenarvan

Player: Jessa
Race: Human • Class: Warrior • Homeland: Lordaeron

RP Hooks

  • Lordaeron nobility: The Glenarvans were quite well-liked in the upper eschelons of Lordaeron's ruling class. Anyone from Lordaeron might know them; those in the army might know Audric.
  • Stormwind nobility: Though the Glenarvans hold no titles in the kingdom of Stormwind, they did retain most of their wealth and are, as a courtesy granted for their service both in the wars and after, still addressed as Lords and Ladies. They continue to move in and among the nobility, while having no seat on the council. Additionally, her youngest sister was just introduced to society, and is making the social circuit as marriage-bait.
  • Stormwind army: Her younger brother is a calvary lieutenant and might be known to anyone who recently served.


Player: Athena
Race: Human • Class: Rogue • Homeland: Lordaeron
Faction(s): Alliance

RP Hooks

Alliance Army: They've been in the army since Year 20, and have a sterling service record. They have been mostly in Theramore and Kalimdor, but could be recognized by anyone who was in service during the past 7 years.

SI:7: They were once an assassin. Notable for the fact that they eventually lost all concept of moral decisions, and was put into the army to try to recover their skills for the Alliance in an acceptable way.

Colson Aspenwood: The paladin responsible for their recovery.

Betting: Callum loves betting. Win/lose, they will gladly and happily bet against your character for most things. Where are they keeping all that gold? Who knows.

Callyna Lancaster

Player: Saaron
Race: Worgen • Class: Hunter • Homeland: Gilneas City
Faction(s): Gilneas

RP Hooks

  • Harvest Witches' Daughter: She often has charms made by harvest witches with her, and is always happy to know more of them, even if they go by the name of "druid".
  • Animals: She always has a pet with her, and seems to have developed a special connection with them, understanding them pretty well.
  • Worrisome: It's easy for Callyna to imagine the worst. Maybe she can worry your character about a certain situation? Or perhaps you could help her learn to put things into perspective?

Captain Zath Tyrrell, 7th Legion, 6th E.U.

Player: Mishell
Race: Human • Class: Warlock • Homeland: Lordaeron
Faction(s): 7th Legion

RP Hooks

  • 7th Legion: Most members of the 7th Legion are familiar with Tyrrell by name at least, whether or not they're directly above/below him in the chain of command, because he's one of the few warlocks, and the only one leading a unit.
  • Slaughtered Lamb: Most people in the Stormwind/Alliance warlock community think of Tyrrell as both a source of pride - "See, warlocks can be useful!" — and an annoyance (he thinks he's too good to hang out with us).
  • Mt. Hyjal: He was very prominent in the defense of Mt. Hyjal. At the time, he was a frost mage, and his Blizzards were infamous. There were rumors that he had a thing for Wyrmbane (if so, Wyrmbane was oblivious).
  • Lordaeron Nobility: Those familiar with the Lordaeron House of Nobles might remember that his father held a seat there, and might even know of his sister Ursula, who stood to inherit. He was the more or less irrelevant Mage Brother.

Casker John

Player: inkie
Race: Human • Class: Priest • Homeland: Stormsong, Kul Tiras
Faction(s): The Black Company, Kul Tiras Marines

RP Hooks

Fellow veterans of the Second or Third Wars might be acquainted with him. Wildhammer Dwarves might know him. Anyone with connections to the Church may have met him.

Caspis Silvershade

Player: Mishell
Race: Night Elf • Class: Druid • Homeland: Ashenvale Forest
Faction(s): Cenarion Circle

RP Hooks

  • Cenarion Circle: Caspis is intensely interested in the politics of the Cenarion Circle, and due to his age would likely be known to other druids at least a little, though he is largely considered to be mediocre and of little note. He was known for speaking out against Staghelm in the past, but lately he seems to have fallen in line.
  • Plaguelands: Caspis has recently joined a small group of Cenarion Circle druids who are attempting to rejuvenate lands blighted by the Scourge. Anyone interested in this project knows him as sort of a gopher, assisting the other druids but not heading up any important work himself.


Player: Alli
Race: Night Elf • Class: Priest • Homeland: Nordrassil
Faction(s): Priesthood of Elune

RP Hooks

  • Night Elves: If you spent much time in night elf society in the last 500 years, you might know him.
  • Mercenary: He's working in Cobalt Company and has a history with Zhevra Company in Kalimdor. Connections may be possible through this.
  • Shattrath Infirmary: He worked in Shattrath Infirmary for a while during the Outland days, other healers or patients may know him from there.
  • Battle Healer: He's often in the background, healing on the battlefield and in the aftermath. One might know him from any number of major engagements.


Player: Luridel
Race: Gnome • Class: Warlock • Homeland: Gnomeregan
Faction(s): The Argent Dawn, The Argent Crusade

RP Hooks

  • Argent Dawn: Cheep would be known to other members as one of the Argent Dawn's quartermasters. She was an orderly in one of the medical tents during the Battle of Light's Hope.

Coriene Bloodsong

Player: Alli
Race: Blood Elf • Class: Mage • Homeland: Silvermoon
Faction(s): Magisters

RP Hooks

Magisters: Did your character go to mage school with Coriene? Are they magisters together?

Silvermoon Nobility: Sin'dorei nobility is a social game, so anyone from a major or minor house may have encountered Cori at any number of social gatherings. Nobles of other species may also have made contact with her - she likes wide networks.

Arcane: Cori would not let politics prevent her from consulting with other mages on something arcane and interesting.

Corvin Trent

Player: Alli
Race: Worgen • Class: Hunter • Homeland: Alterac?

RP Hooks

Alterac: If your character is from the area or has some connections to it.

Worgen: He's going to be a worgen.

The Missing Heron: The experiences that led him to leave his position in the Syndicate are due to the Cobalt Eye investigation.

Costentyn Shine

Player: inkie
Race: Human • Class: Rogue • Homeland: Bridgeport, Tiragarde, Kul Tiras
Faction(s): House Fallon, (formerly) the Proudmoore Fleet

RP Hooks

Anyone who has visited Fallon House may have encountered Shine there; the one-eyed first footman cut a memorable figure.

Anyone who knew Siamus Fallon in his days with Proudmoore's Fleet might also have known his Lieutenant of Marines.

Anyone who was acquainted with Siamus Fallon in his time at Proudmoore Academy undoubtedly knew his best friend.

Basically, if you know Siamus, there's a chance you know Shine as well.

Cressidha Aspenwood

Player: Luridel
Race: Human • Class: Mage • Homeland: Stormwind
Faction(s): Cobalt Company

RP Hooks

  • Tailor: Cressidha can make you clothes. They will probably be stylish and fashionable.
  • Enchanter: Cressidha has gained some renown for her enchantments by this point, particularly among Cobalt Company.
  • Stormwind Noble: House Aspenwood is rather rich. Money has never been a concern for Cressidha. Her reputation is stellar.

Crim Ragefang

Player: Disknight
Race: Orc • Class: Shaman • Homeland: Nagrand
Faction(s): Warsong Clan

RP Hooks

  • Warsong Clan: Other members of the Warsong Clan may know him, or perhaps night elves who fought against him in Ashenvale during the Third War.
  • Third War Vet: He was a young man during the war and fought in many battles, including the Battle of Mount Hyjal.
  • The Brawlers Guild: Anyone who frequents the Brawlers Guild in the Deeprun Tram, would recognize him as the fight ring’s medic.
  • The Hero of the Mag'har: He was chosen by Thrall to represent the Horde in Outland when dealing with the orcs there. It was his deeds that led to the Mag'har's induction into the New Horde, including the late Dranosh Saurfang and the now Warchief Garrosh Hellscream. His reputation proceeds him.

Dame Briellen Clay

Player: Luridel
Race: Human • Class: Paladin • Homeland: Gilneas
Faction(s): The Silver Hand, The Argent Dawn, The Argent Crusade

RP Hooks

  • Knight of the Silver Hand: Trained under Sir Gavinrad.
  • Andorhal: Lived there for many years as a young adult.
  • Argent Dawn/Argent Crusade: Member in good standing.

Dara Tennerow

Player: Alli
Race: Human • Class: Priest • Homeland: Redridge Mountains
Faction(s): Church of the Holy Light

RP Hooks

Church of the Holy Light: She joined the Church in August Year 27, and is a priest novice.

Nobility of Stormwind: Any noble can potentially know her. She's very social.

Desinae Raugh

Player: Sharksu
Race: Human • Class: Paladin • Homeland: Brill, Lordaeron
Faction(s): Argent Dawn

RP Hooks

Argent Dawn: I have a problem, I love this faction so much you have no idea. Open to any AD avenue :D

Investigations in Duskwood: Anyone happening to be in Darkshire in weeks past, probably couldn't have helped but to see the entourage from Stormwind.

First to Fall: Brill was a tragedy, but whos to say any of the forsaken might not be old friends or family? To be honest, these relations probably won't go over well.

Donnall Cloudskimmer

Player: Mishell
Race: Dwarf • Class: Shaman • Homeland: The Hinterlands
Faction(s): Wildhammer Clan

RP Hooks

  • Wildhammer Clan - Many Wildhammers know of the Cloudskimmer brood in general, though maybe not Donnall in particular, since he isn't much of a standout.
  • Shaman - Anyone interested in the elements and the spirits, particularly earth spirits, might have things to chat about with Donnall, who is something of a specialist.

Duchess Avrenne Esprit Fallon

Player: Athena
Race: Human • Class: Mage • Homeland: Lordaeron
Faction(s): Alliance

RP Hooks

  • Lordaeron Nobility: Avrenne and her family were well known, well placed, and extensive. Chances are you knew of them, if not any of them personally. Those of Lordaeron nobility or frequently visiting nobility have likely some tie to them, in one way or another. Avrenne as the third of her House was a dangling marriage option for much of her youth. It was The Circumstances that made her the sole inheritor of the title and only survivor of the main branch.
  • House Fallon: Avrenne is the Lady Fallon, as well as the Duchess Esprit, as part of her marriage to Siamus Fallon, who sits on the House of Nobles and is the Vice Admiral of the private Fallon Fleet. Those who follow the political sphere will note that Avrenne's support of her husband is absolute and unwavering, and in a deviation from her usual neutrality she has a keen interest in the reestablishment of a true navy of the Alliance.
  • Reputation: Avrenne has a reputation of being cold, logical, sensible, and intelligent. Men and women both would be aware that she does not flirt. Although she has a cool manner, she is not known to be unkind, simply known unlikely to be moved by sentiment or feeling. She often appears to have no agenda of her own, offering up objective-seeming assessments rather than strong passions or controversial opinions. She has a wide web of connections, and powerful friendships. Someone looking to achieve political aims would want her as an ally.
  • Stormwind House of Nobles Plot: Although never obviously only for any single candidate — she maintained what seemed to be a neutrality of positions of only presenting information and observations about each — she became engaged to Baron Siamus Fallon during the campaign, clearly for more than one reason. She is now the wife of a House member, another was her Maid-of-Honor, and several more are connected to her personally. Those who are on the House or seeking to pass legislation through it would have reason to speak to her.
  • Northrend Supplies and War Effort: Avrenne is one of the more notable and larger suppliers for the war effort, with particular attention given to the larger scale war requirements. It's not hard to discover the name of the House that is behind the requisitions for someone looking.
  • The Flower Language: Avrenne is well versed in the old fad of a language of flowers (well enough to, by memory, write an entire Floriography). Those who know it, or who have an affinity for codes, will find a willing conversation partner and enthusiast.

Eckart Barlowe

Player: Jessa
Race: Human • Class: Death Knight • Homeland: Lordaeron

RP Hooks

  • Lordaeron: Anyone could know Eckart from his time on the guard in Lordaeron, or even from growing up on the farm in Tirisfal Glades.
  • Barlowe: He's a Barlowe. He looks like a Barlowe. He looks a lot like his father, though Karson smiles sometimes. Seen with Ivri or compared to her, he looks more likely to be her dad than Karson does. Anyone who knows a Barlowe male would likely think he kinda looks like them.


Player: inkie
Race: Night Elf • Class: Hunter • Homeland: Zin-Azshari
Faction(s): Sentinels

RP Hooks

Eilanthe might be known to:

  • Sentinels or former Sentinels
  • Veterans of the Battle of Mt. Hyjal
  • Queen Azshara's courtiers or mage loyalists from before the War of the Ancients


Player: Saaron
Race: Blood Elf • Class: Rogue • Homeland: Tranquillien
Faction(s): Silvermoon City

RP Hooks

  • Identity theft: There are a few clues that could help someone discover that Eiradrin isn't the real Eiradrin. The real one didn't use to be as in-shape, athletic and agile, her face, her voice, hair, and personality have somewhat changed since she disappeared, she doesn't actually know much about Jewelcrafting when it used to be her whole life. Most importantly, the hidden peacebloom tattoo she had on the back of her shoulder has disappeared. Some magisters and other people close to somewhat high-ranking members of the government know who she really is.
  • Ex-Farstriders: Somewhat related to the last point, she worked with the Farstriders for decades, which means some of them are bound to know her. Her fighting style is also reminiscent of theirs, especially her archery.
  • Ex-prisoner: Again, similarly to the last point, she was imprisoned in Silvermoon at some point. She probably had cellmate(s) in there!
  • Assassin: When mind control isn't enough to stop agitators in the Blood Elven capital, sometimes Eiradrin is the one called to do the dirty job and dispose of the problematic citizens, using her signature poison.
  • Jewelcrafting: She basically has no idea how to create designs for jewels herself. She learned how to make jewels and simply copies others, but since there's a risk that her shop might close as she goes on adventures to "find inspiration", people buy them as fast as they can before they're gone and they get FOMO. She's accidentally a marketing pro! The people she plagiarises might not like it, though.


Player: Saaron
Race: Human • Class: Mage • Homeland: Stormwind
Faction(s): Kirin Tor

RP Hooks

  • Kirin Tor: Your character might have been her student at some point, or she could be right now. She's the kind of person you can also come to if you don't understand a spell or need help deciphering one.

Elaeryn Andilien

Player: OzmaAsimov
Race: Blood Elf • Class: Hunter • Homeland: Eversong Forest, Quel'thalas
Faction(s): Farstriders

RP Hooks

  • Farstrider Reserve: Elaeryn spent many years in active service to the Farstriders. She is a reserve now, with more freedom to do as she will, but can be called back to active duty at any time.
  • Quel'Danil Lodge: Elaeryn was stationed at the Farstrider lodge in the Hinterlands for several years prior to the Third War.


Player: Saaron
Race: Tauren • Class: Druid • Homeland: Tanaris
Faction(s): Cenarion Circle, Cenarion Expedition, Horde

RP Hooks

  • A druidism teacher: Eldau learned from the Night Elves in Moonglade. Maybe you character(s) taught him!
  • Cenarion Expedition: He works with them, as well as the Cenarion Circle on Azeroth. You might know him from here!
  • Crimson Coterie: Not an IC member, but he's very closely interested in them and wouldn't mind helping, if given a good enough reason.

Elowel Aro'ephel

Player: OzmaAsimov
Race: Blood Elf • Class: Paladin • Homeland: Quel'thalas
Faction(s): Blood Knights

RP Hooks

  • Poor Little Rich Girl: House Aro'ephel is ludicrously wealthy and has been for generations. Elowel is her father's heir apparent, and as such he has pushed her hard her entire life to prepare her for the role. Rumor has it that recently he has expressed disappointment with her performance and has even cut off her allowance.
  • Well-Traveled: Before the Third War, Elowel traveled all over the Eastern Kingdoms for many decades in various capacities.
  • Celebrity: Elowel has earned some degree of fame for a variety of mostly unrelated accomplishments, including:
    • Her status as an Aro'ephel.
    • Her dueling tourney successes.
    • Her reputation in acting circles as the Crimson Lady.
    • Many affairs with other famous people (any of which may or may not be true, though she never strictly denies them).
    • The slaying of Dar'Khan Drathir — a key component in the sin'dorei being accepted into the Horde.
    • More recently, her creation and leadership of the Crimson Coterie, a rising mercenary guild in the Horde.
  • Cobalt Player: Elowel was once one of the Cobalt Players, the acting troupe led by Elohad Ference. Though that relationship ended badly, she continued her acting career for a while (and never missed an opportunity to criticize one of Elohad's shows).

Emerine Nightvine

Player: Luridel
Race: Night Elf • Class: Rogue
Faction(s): Sentinels

RP Hooks

  • Sentinel: As a scout for the Sentinels, she's been all over Kalimdor.


Player: Disknight
Race: Night Elf • Class: Death Knight • Homeland: Hyjal
Faction(s): Knights of the Ebon Blade

RP Hooks

-Members of the Knights of the Ebon Blade would know of her reputation as a willful troublemaker, often neglecting her duties as a torturer in favor of playing with her “toys” or working on so-called “art projects”. She is and always has been primarily motivated by satisfying her own cravings and desires rather than fulfilling her missions.

-Members of the Scarlet Crusade may be familiar with her as a formidable enemy of their order. She is also renowned for defeating a famed champion paladin by driving him mad.

-Sentinels and veterans of the Battle of Mount Hyjal might remember her as a huntress who died in battle, dragged away by ghouls after sacrificing herself to save a group of cornered comrades.


Player: Alli
Race: Draenei • Class: Paladin • Homeland: the Genedar
Faction(s): Vindicators

RP Hooks

  • Vindicators: If you're a draenei vindicator, you may know her.
  • Draenei: If you're among the draenei on Azeroth, you could know her.

Estel Herald

Player: Luridel
Race: Human • Class: Priest • Homeland: Lordaeron
Faction(s): Cobalt Company

RP Hooks

  • Courier: Estel is a courier and can deliver packages or sensitive mail.
  • Alchemist: Estel works in the Cobalt Clinic in Ironforge as Niris' apprentice and assistant.
  • Hungry: She will never turn down free food.
  • Ravenholdt: Estel's partner is a Ravenholdt assassin, and she had a presence there in the past as one of the healers. She has connections. She knows their codes.
  • Friendly: Estel is the type of person to approach a complete stranger.

Etone Greennote

Player: E
Race: Human • Class: Priest • Homeland: Northern Lordaeron
Faction(s): Argent Dawn

RP Hooks

  • Performance Arts Enthusiast: Music, singing, theater, fashion - both creation of and wearing of.
  • Argent Confessor: Characters associated with the Argent Dawn may know Etone for his service as a Confessor and tactician for the organization. Before his exit from the Scarlet Crusade, he had other roles as well
  • Exploding undead for great JUSTICE: Have you been in the Plaguelands lately? Do you like setting skeletons on righteous fire?
  • Nax storylines: If your character is involved with investigating or engaging Naxxramas, there will be things to discuss.
  • Definitely not anything to do with the void or shadows: (J/K Yes please. Ask me about the morality of being an inquisitor for the Scarlet Crusade in the past, ghosts and other exciting topics.)
  • Potential for Death Knights to try to convince him not to smite on sight? Good luck.

Eulysses Reeve

Player: Disknight
Race: Worgen • Class: Warrior • Homeland: Gilneas

RP Hooks

  • Gilnean Aristocrat: While of common blood, the Reeve family was very wealthy and well respected in Gilnean society both for their lucrative trade enterprise as well as the number of skilled naval officers it produced. Anyone familiar with the goings on of the Gilnean aristocracy may know of Eulysses or his family.
  • Second War Philanthropy: The Reeve family were staunch supporters of the Alliance and were eager to offer aid even when Greymane was not. People from the other human kingdoms, especially Lordaeron, may have benefited from aid sent by the Reeves or brought to them from another on one of their ships.
  • Rebel Officer: He was a marine captain in the Gilnean rebel navy before being captured and turned. To other Gilneans he could be either a hero or a villain depending on where their allegiances lay at the time.
  • Maritime Family: The Reeve family owned a sizable fleet of ships which they used to transport goods between Kul Tiras and the continent. Their business was very successful and they were quite wealthy. However, in the wake of the Forsaken invasion, these assets have been considerably diminished.

Euphoria Grimes

Player: OzmaAsimov
Race: Undead • Class: Rogue • Homeland: Lordaeron

RP Hooks

  • Forsaken: Euphoria was nobody outstanding in life. But she revels in being one of the Forsaken now. In her mind, they are a superior race.


Player: Jessa
Race: Worgen • Class: Warrior • Homeland: Gilneas

RP Hooks

  • Street Trash If you were running the streets and/or might have contact with some of the urchins on Gilneas's streets, you might have known Zeke before he joined the navy.
  • Navy If you know the Gilnean navy, there's a slight chance you knew Zeke as a scruffy cabin boy aboard The Nightwitch.

Finley Boutille

Player: Athena
Race: Human • Class: Rogue • Homeland: Lordaeron
Faction(s): House Esprit

RP Hooks

  • House Esprit-Fallon: Finley is the forward social moving piece of House Esprit and House Fallon. He will be in places that Avrenne or Siamus cannot be, or will be, but moving through the crowd in different ways. He’s been raised up high enough to be considered a gentleman, if not a member of the nobility itself.
  • Milady Moth: He has been featured in the gossip column as a young man associated with House Fallon, with an implication that there might be something salacious about his presence given Siamus’ flirtatious reputation
  • Azeroth Art Scene: A new presence on the artistic scene, Finley has just begun dipping his toes into the paint of it. He hasn’t submitted any works himself, but his interest in the subject reveals that he has had instruction in the field and can converse on it at length and in detail.

Fionette Crawford

Player: Mishell
Race: Human • Class: Death Knight • Homeland: Lordaeron
Faction(s): Ebon Blade

RP Hooks

  • Scarlet Crusade: Anyone who was a member of the Scarlet Crusade early in its founding should talk to me about a possible connection.
  • Lordaeron Nobility: Those formerly active in the society of Lordaeron's nobility might know Fionette, or at least her family.
  • Alchemy: Fionette's family was a major player in the alchemy business before the third war.
  • Ebon Blade: Her new family.

Florande Wildbloom

Player: Alli
Race: Night Elf • Class: Druid
Faction(s): Cenarion Circle

RP Hooks

  • Cenarion Circle: If your character is a druid, they may know her.
  • Young Kaldorei: If your night elf character has recently come of age, they may know her.
  • Tuskarr/Kalu'ak: Florande is very fond of these people and has lived with them for months. If you also frequent their Northrend settlements, you may have met her.


Player: Saaron
Race: Draenei • Class: Hunter • Homeland: Argus
Faction(s): Alliance

RP Hooks

  • Explorer: Gaakhed plans on making maps of all of Azeroth, so if someone's interested in exploring the world, let him know!
  • Draenei: "Hey, I think we've met before!"

Gabriella Thorne

Player: OzmaAsimov
Race: Worgen • Class: Hunter • Homeland: Gilneas
Faction(s): Special Investigation Branch

RP Hooks

  • Detective: Gabriella is a member of the army's Special Investigation Branch, which handles the detective work of law enforcement. Have you brushed with the law? Criminals, witnesses, and victims may have some history with Gabriella.
  • Fame: In her younger days, Gabriella Thorne's name was on the front page of every paper in Gilneas for cracking the Whisper case. She has had many other notches in her belt since then, becoming well known as a brilliant detective. However, in more recent years such glory is mostly heaped on her protégé, Halford Ramsey.
  • Low-born: Though she carries herself with a veneer of refinement and seems to be educated, Gabby was born to the lower class. Her father was an underpaid gardener for a noble house. Her mother used to be a teacher, but after her drinking lost her that job, she became a laundress.
  • Acrophobic: Though very little can rattle her, Gabriella is afraid of heights. She can force herself onto balconies and such, but stays well clear of the edge.


Player: Jack
Race: Night Elf • Class: Druid • Homeland: Hyjal
Faction(s): Cenarion Circle

RP Hooks

  • RP Hook: Injured? Sick? Poisoned? Need counseling? Wanna know about nature, green dragons, the wild, your destiny, raccoons?


Player: Saaron
Race: Human • Class: Warlock • Homeland: Stormwind City
Faction(s): Alliance

RP Hooks

  • Warlock: He is a warlock, some people don't like it, some really don't like it, and others don't mind. Not only that, but he ran into some problems with the warlocks of Stormwind recently and has been stealing books from the ones in Ironforge. Maybe some people wouldn't be very happy it.
  • Wait we can't do that!: You're looking for someone to do something fun and dangerous? He's your guy!


Player: TrooperNico
Race: Human • Class: Paladin • Homeland: Lordaeron
Faction(s): Scarlet Crusade

RP Hooks

It's possible to have encountered Gavynn if you've been involved with any of the following:
• Tyr's Hand, the regional clergy, or knights serving the Kingdom of Lordaeron
• Reconstruction following the Second War
• The Silver Hand or Stratholme
• The Scarlet Crusade, particularly the Eastern branch
• Travelers, messengers, farmers, refugees, etc. traversing the Plaguelands

Gellarn Rivere

Player: Athena
Race: Worgen • Class: Warrior • Homeland: Gilneas
Faction(s): Gilnean

RP Hooks


Player: Jack
Race: Human • Class: Mage • Homeland: Brightwood, Lordaeron, Dalaran
Faction(s): Kirin Tor

RP Hooks

  • RP Hook: Interested in magic? Looking for academic info? Feeling inclined to oppose the Old Gods?


Player: Mishell
Race: Blood Elf • Class: Mage • Homeland: Silvermoon
Faction(s): Kirin Tor

RP Hooks

  • Kirin Tor: Kirin Tor folks would absolutely have heard of him. Mostly bets placed on how long before he is too hung over to function at meetings.
  • Silvermoon Parties: If you go to a lot of parties in Silvermoon, your encounters with Geth are probably the sort that will make it difficult to make eye contact with him when you run into him on the street in the light of day. If you even remember.

Glyphe Tinkerspell

Player: Jessa
Race: Gnome • Class: Mage • Homeland: Gnomeregan

RP Hooks


Player: Jessa
Race: Gnome • Class: Mage • Homeland: Gnomeregan

RP Hooks

Any gnome from any point might know her, know of her, or have seen her. They might have been fed by her ("Muffin, dear?") or saved by her or had to save a tiny ancient gnome from a trogg.

Dwarves, too, might know her, for many of the same reasons.

Be aware, though, that almost no one knows her name. If you think your character would, let's chat! It could be fun!


Player: Saaron
Race: Troll • Class: Mage • Homeland: Stranglethorn Vale
Faction(s): The Horde, Darkspears

RP Hooks

Arcane stuff: Gru'ze is extremely interested in the Arcane. Its frost and fire applications, he's got them down perfectly, but he struggles more with everything that's pure arcane. His version of Arcane magic is ancient and can be a little different from what "modern" magic is.

Kirin Tor: Dalaran. The Kirin Tor. All your knowledge. Let him in. Let him iiiiiiiiiiiin.

Undeath: He despises the undead. Forsaken and Death Knight come have fun hating him!

Warlocks: Gru'ze has no interest in being a warlock. He's done some pretty dark magic before it was forbidden by the Horde. He certainly won't judge someone who uses the Fel! He's just curious about how this all works.

Gwenivene Whittle

Player: OzmaAsimov
Race: Human • Class: Mage • Homeland: Westfall, Kingdom of Stormwind
Faction(s): Kirin Tor, the Scryers

RP Hooks


  • Westfall Girl: The Whittles are a Westfall family originally. Though they left their farm behind and moved to the city, they have roots that go back many generations in the west.
  • You Had to Be There: Gwen's jokes aren't always the best, but her delivery is sincere and full of childlike glee. She has even found that her bad jokes (and the occasional verbal sound effects) aid her in focusing when casting spells.
  • Noble…Wait, Really???: Gwen has only recently become aware that she carries noble blood in her veins. Technically she and her mother are the last scions of the fallen House Chandrey. Though…it's hard to inherit a whole lot of nothing. So, the title is fairly meaningless and she has no intention of laying any claim to it.

Mages & Magic

  • Now You’re Thinking With Portals: Gwen is a telemancy prodigy. She possesses a seemingly instinctive understanding of spatial mechanics and is able to accomplish telemantic feats far beyond what should be possible for her age and training. Need a lift somewhere? Something important sent quickly and securely? Gwen is more than happy to serve the needs of friends and the Alliance.
    • THAT Gwenivene Whittle?: Gwen earned widespread fame for her her breakthrough in telemantic research that found the means to safely open portals between Outland and Azeroth. She is always quick to point out she was aided by several others. But, ultimately, she tends to get the credit no matter what she says.
  • Sanctum Mage: Gwenivene spent several years training in the Sanctum in Stormwind City as the student of the crotchety old Archmage Purdwick. Other Sanctum mages may know her!
  • Kirin Tor: Due to her accomplishments in telemancy, Gwen has earned a place in the Kirin Tor and is considered a rising star in their ranks.

Halliday Tyrrell

Player: inkie
Race: Human • Class: Mage • Homeland: Southshore
Faction(s): Theramore, the Kirin Tor

RP Hooks

  • Longtime/former residents of Southshore might have met Halliday as a child, or been acquainted with the Bristows. Ditto sailors and other Eastern Kingdoms mercantile interests.
  • Other members/students of the Kirin Tor might know her.
  • Veterans of the Battle of Mt. Hyjal might have encountered her.
  • Early settlers on Theramore may remember her.

Harvey Mourningdew

Player: Aly
Race: Human • Class: Death Knight • Homeland: Lordaeron
Faction(s): The Ebon Blade

RP Hooks

  • Noble of Lordaeron: Other Alliance nobility may know him or have heard of his family. Anyone from Lordaeron may have heard of him.
  • Argent Dawn: Anyone in this Order may know him.
  • Death Knight: Other Death Knights may know or have heard of the self-proclaimed Lord of Blood.

Hespyth Silverlight

Player: Mishell
Race: Night Elf • Class: Mage • Homeland: Eldre'Thalas (Dire Maul)
Faction(s): Shen'dralar, House Silverlight

RP Hooks

  • Eldre'Thalas: If you are from that ill-fated city, you would remember the warrior Syreithe Silverlight's witchy, half-mythical twin, more a rumor than a fact after the first millenium or so thanks to Syreithe's eternal guarding.
  • Dragons: Do you like dragons? Hespyth wants to talk to you if that's all right. Do you like blue dragons? Hespyth definitely wants to talk to you. But if you don't want to that's okay. Are you a dragon? Hespyth wants to genuflect to you. Please let her.
  • Magic: Please talk about magic with Hespyth. And listen to her talk about magic, and then listen to her apologize for talking so much about magic. And then talk some more about magic with her through the door she closed to hyperventilate behind.


Player: Mishell
Race: Troll • Class: Hunter • Homeland: Echo Isles

RP Hooks

Horde Military: She's an eternal low-ranking grunt type; you might have fought alongside her in some battle or other.

Darkspear: The Darkspear are a fairly small and tight-knit tribe, so most of the Darkspear likely know her, though some may know her as Dia.


Player: Mishell
Race: Draenei • Class: Death Knight • Homeland: Argus
Faction(s): The Ebon Blade

RP Hooks

  • Draenei: Literally any draenei who crashed in the Exodar pretty much know each other, and Icaros is well known even as fellow Draenor-exiles go, due to his age and experiences.
  • Ebon Blade: He is already making a name for himself as an obedient yet intelligent member of the tightly focused organization. Other death knights should know him to be reliable and easy to work with.
  • Argent Dawn: Argent Dawn members might remember him, because a Draenei frost mage was such a peculiar thing to have among their ranks. They might also remember that he died. Worst case, they remember his return at the Battle of Light's Hope.

Ilanya Ravendusk

Player: Aly
Race: Human • Class: Rogue • Homeland: Elwynn

RP Hooks

  • House Ravendusk: If you've heard of this exclusive club, Ilanya is your contact point.
  • SI:7: She has thus far managed to elude the organization. Her loyalties lie elsewhere, Shaw.
  • Flowers: Ilanya is actually very interested in flowers, poisonous or otherwise. What? They're pretty.


Player: Jessa
Race: Night Elf • Class: Hunter • Homeland: Night Run

RP Hooks

  • RP Hook: Sentinels in particular would have had the word spread to them about Naia's past and her likely corruption by the Satyrs.


Player: Jessa
Race: Blood Elf • Class: Hunter • Homeland: Eversong Woods
Faction(s): Farstriders

RP Hooks

- Any sufficiently high status hunter may have gotten one of their pets from the Sunstalker clan

- Any Farstrider who survived probably knows her; the Wowpedia entries make it clear that, even among the near-total devastation of blood elves in general, the Farstriders had it the worst as they were the ones continually fighting Arthas while steadily being pushed back to Silvermoon.

- High society blood elves probably know her or her name. She's quite wealthy these days; moreover, she has a way to keep acquiring wealth. She also has some status as someone who stood with, then against, Sylvannas Windrunner.

Imrolane Palemoon

Player: OzmaAsimov
Race: Night Elf • Class: Druid • Homeland: Val'sharah, Broken Isles
Faction(s): Cenarion Circle

RP Hooks

  • Venerable: She may not seem it at first, but Imrolane is very, very old. She no longer uses her original name, and she looks and behaves very differently; but there may still be those from the old days that could recognize her as Veilanda Starwander.
  • Pariah: Any kaldorei that was heavily involved in the War of the Satyr could know of her connections and why she is not a revered archdruid, despite her age and power.


Player: teensy
Race: Human • Class: Priest • Homeland: Stromgarde
Faction(s): The Church of the Holy Light

RP Hooks

A small group of well-born children all fostered together in Stromgarde and guarded as valued heirs and possible diplomatic hostages were woken in the middle of the night and sent south to Stormwind, thanks to a timely bit of intelligence during the splintering of the Alliance that would have put many of the children in danger, might have known Zepherine Kerwyn. They were taken south to Stormwind City and continued their fostering there while their parents fought valiantly and negotiated as much cooperation as possible to preserve the Alliance after Stromgarde and Gilneas broke away, and ferreting out spies became a quiet, bloody fashion.

Anyone who studied in Stormwind Cathedral after the scourging of Lordaeron to the present day may have met Ionala.

Anyone who had any business that took them to Lordaeron for long bickering affairs of diplomacy from years 16-20 may wonder why she looks so familiar, as she strongly resembles her mother, Dame Melisande Kerwyn, linguist, translator, and diplomat, and her father, Sir Dabryn Kerwyn of the Knights of the Silver Hand.

Anyone who routinely visits an empty shop repurposed as a free library, where people drop off and pick up used books on a loose honor system basis might have seen Ionala there.

Anyone who prowls estate sales and liquidation sales for bargain jewelery, fabric, and small decoration pieces might have met her there.


Player: Saaron
Race: Night Elf • Class: Druid • Homeland: Mount Hyjal
Faction(s): The Dryads

RP Hooks

Nature loving: Anything related to nature could be fun!

Past life: Iphindra has forgotten all about who she was as a Kaldorei, and used to be completely different. Those who have known her a few hundred years ago might be surprised to see how much she's changed.

Criminal?: Before disappearing, Iphindra stole something important to the druids. Perhaps one day she'll be punished for her crimes.

Isaleth Winters

Player: inkie
Race: Human • Class: Paladin • Homeland: Silverpine Forest
Faction(s): The Argent Crusade, the Ashen Verdict

RP Hooks

  • Members of the Argent Dawn, Argent Crusade, or Ashen Verdict likely know her.
  • It is possible that people who grew up in southern Silverpine/northern Gilneas were acquainted with her in her childhood.
  • People from Capital City in Lordaeron or affiliated with the cathedral there might have met her as a pupil and trainee.
  • Knights of the Ebon Blade probably find her deeply, deeply exasperating. (She is too gonna save u guises souls, just u watch.)

Ishaya Sweetwater

Player: Mishell
Race: Tauren • Class: Shaman • Homeland: Mulgore
Faction(s): Earthen Ring

RP Hooks

Isla Lenaire

Player: Athena
Race: Human • Class: Priest • Homeland: Lordaeron
Faction(s): Alliance

RP Hooks

  • House Esprit/Fallon: Isla is part of the Esprit-Fallon entourage, and those looking for connections or a sideways way into Siamus, Sintha, or Avrenne's good graces can find one in Isla.
  • The Ference Plays: Isla is a theater nerd, and has consumed the revitalized Ference Plays with a ravenous excitement. Those interested in them, or investing in them, or looking for New Talent to cast in them have Isla's attention.

Ismene Hazan

Player: Jessa
Race: Human • Class: Priest • Homeland: Southshore

RP Hooks

Anyone from Southshore would know the Callis family and their famous cider. It would be difficult to see how anyone would LIKE her parents, but Ismene herself is mostly known around there as "that poor Callis girl" with the browbeating mother and the distant, cold father.

Anyone can have been part of the rescue operation that drove the Horde back from their foray into Southshore, joining Casker John and Velrin.

Also, if someone trained at Northshire Abbey while she was there, they might know her.


Player: Luridel
Race: Draenei • Class: Hunter

RP Hooks

  • Rangari: Other draenei may have worked with him on Draenor.

Ivrianna Atley

Player: Jessa
Race: Human • Class: Rogue • Homeland: Lordaeron
Faction(s): None

RP Hooks

Anyone who spent time in Lordaeron (the city) has the potential to know her family and/or her.

Anyone who lives in Stormwind could know her, her brothers, her father (deceased as of the start of WotLK, or her mother (guard trainer, also deceased as of the start of WotLK).

Anyone in SI:7 or with ties to Ravenholdt could conceivably know Ivri or know of her.

Check with me in Discord! Always happy to tie characters together.

Jaiarah Iceburn

Player: Saaron
Race: Tauren • Class: Paladin • Homeland: Icemist Village
Faction(s): The Horde

RP Hooks

  • Taunka: Cousin of the Tauren, and culturally different, Jaiarah is not like the more common Taurens of the Horde. They both have much to learn from each other.
  • Sunwalker: Jaiarah is an apprentice Sunwalker. Those who use holy magic are fascinating to her, and she wishes to become better at it. However, she's currently struggling, having a hard time working with the Light of An'she without forcefully using it, like Taunka shamans use the elements.
  • Loyal to the Horde: Without them, she would be dead. Her allegiance is to the Horde, and she's willing to do anything to stop its enemies.

Jenzelle Halveris

Player: Aly
Race: Human • Class: Priest • Homeland: Lordaeron
Faction(s): Former Scarlet Crusader

RP Hooks

  • Scarlet Crusade:: Past or current members of the Crusade may know her.
  • Lordaeron Farmer: Anyone from Lordaeron who enjoys watermelons or pumpkins may have heard of Halveris Farms.


Player: Alli
Race: Gnome • Class: Mage • Homeland: Gnomeregan
Faction(s): Gnomeregan Exiles

RP Hooks

  • Second War: You may have met her if you were involved in the siege during the Second War in Dun Morogh.
  • GDF: You may have met her if you were in the Gnomeregan Defense Force during the Trogg invasion and the fall of Gnomeregan.
  • Gnomeregan: In general, you may have met her if you have history in Gnomeregan.
  • Cobalt Company: She's the captain of Cobalt Company, so anyone affiliated with the Company at least knows of her.
  • Gnomish Engineer: She's a card-carrying gnomish engineer, so other engineers may know her.
  • Mage: Jo is not affiliated with any mage group, having trained in Gnomeregan. However, she has contacts in the Stormwind mage tower and the Kirin Tor.

Jonas Hazan

Player: inkie
Race: Human • Class: Warrior • Homeland: Ambermill, Silverpine Forest

RP Hooks

  • His name's Hazan. He looks familiar.


Player: Mishell
Race: Draenei • Class: Shaman • Homeland: Draenor
Faction(s): Earthen Ring

RP Hooks

  • Draenei: If you crashed in the Exodar, you probably know everyone else who did, so feel free to know/remember Kaerix.
  • Rangaari: Though everyone in her particular unit is now deceased, rangaari in general might know her at least a little as a capable explorer who spoke several languages.


Player: Teensy
Race: Night Elf • Class: Priest

RP Hooks

Veterans of The Battle of Hyjal may know Sentinel Aya Moonshield, who left her lazy life of fishing with her beloved Laird Waveskimmer to bring her deadly bow skills to the fight. She would tell everyone about her daughter, who was gentle and kind and deserved a safe, peaceful life where she could meet her destiny.
Anyone who had business in Auberdine and liked eating fish in the last hundred years could have met her, fishing at her father's side and bargaining for stories or answers to questions.
Anyone with contact with the most junior of acolytes in Teldrassil could have met her during her studies, or among the places where people in Darnassus gathered to play board games.

Kaleyah Margrace

Player: Sharksu
Race: Human • Class: Rogue • Homeland: Kul Tiras
Faction(s): Former pirate (Blueskull Buccaneer, Wastewander) , currently free blade

RP Hooks

Hunter for hire: Does what it says on the tin. She's not picky and seems capable enough, violence or scouting alike.

By way of the waves: She's well traveled and doesn't turn down business even from members of the Horde. So many faces come and go.

Curious by Nature: If you can do something neat, she'll probably sit and watch you do it while noisily eating.

Looking for a home: She may not even notice it, but she's quick to take a liking to anyone who respects her. She -is- capable. She's also guarded, self focused and has been shown that premeditated violence solves problems. Perhaps the right kind of mentors and positive reinforcement could demonstrate that her future doesn't necessarily need to be dictated by the traumas of her past.

Kas Duskwing

Player: inkie
Race: Blood Elf • Class: Hunter • Homeland: Silvermoon City, Quel'thalas
Faction(s): Farstriders

RP Hooks

  • Farstriders: Anyone who served as or alongside the Farstriders in the last 50 years.
  • Veterans of the defense of Quel'thalas.
  • Bad decisions: Sin'dorei who fell into extravagant hedonism and/or arcane abuse in the wake of the war might have encountered him at the sorts of questionable parties that leave one wondering the following morning, "Wait, I did what?" (Or, "Wait, I did who?")

Katerinn Greywatch

Player: inkie
Race: Dwarf • Class: Hunter • Homeland: Thelsamar, Loch Modan
Faction(s): Bronzebeard Clan, Mountaineers

RP Hooks


Player: Saaron
Race: Draenei • Class: Mage • Homeland: The Genedar
Faction(s): The Exodar

RP Hooks

  • Family history: Kehda's family is famously known for going full evil. Some Draenei must wonder when it'll be her turn to do so, and rumors about her secret evilness go around.
  • Stories: Kehda loves a good story! She's always interested in hearing more of those. She also loves to tell her own, but often skips over the part where she says they're fictional. She may have told some stories about you in the past.
  • Scourged fish: Kehda always carries a fishbowl with her as a satchel. There is a living, very small fish in there. It is sick. It looks like it's carrying the plague. Oh no.
  • Helping hand: Kehda is actually pretty nice and optimistic. She won't hesitate to help someone. The story she tells people after might be very different from what happened, though.

Kenelly Ashewood

Player: OzmaAsimov
Race: Worgen • Class: Druid • Homeland: Gilneas
Faction(s): Harvest-witches, Gravehowl Pack

RP Hooks

  • Nobility: House Ashewood traces its noble lineage to the earliest days of Gilneas. In the wake of the Forsaken invasion, House Ashewood was forced to relocate to Stormwind. As the only worgen Ashewood, Kenelly's status in the house hangs by a thread, and in her father's eyes she must prove her value to the family.
  • Kul Tiran Cousins: There is an extension of the Ashewood family that holds land in Kul Tiras, in the province of Tiragarde Sound. They branched off from the Gilnean Ashewoods when Kul Tiras was first founded.
  • Harvest-witch: Kenelly is a member of a coven of harvest-witches, a fact she used to keep secret from her father.
  • Social Chameleon: Kenelly adapts easily (and often unconsciously) to the behaviors appropriate to the social class she is associating with.


Player: Saaron
Race: Gnome • Class: Death Knight • Homeland: Gnomeregan
Faction(s): Ebon Blade

RP Hooks

- Famous in Gnomeregan (and beyond): Although he goes under a different name and he's changed quite a lot since, his face might still be recognizable to those who knew him before.

- Family member: Kiekel has a large family. You might be related to him or have (had) a close relationship to one of his many siblings!

- Death Knight: Whether you're one as well, you hate them, or feel extremely close to them, Death Knights like Kiekel might not leave you indifferent.

- Argent Dawn: He's worked with the Argent Dawn in the past, extremely briefly, though. You might have been one of the people who saw him panic, flee and disappear into the Plaguelands, never to be found again.


Player: Jessa
Race: Human • Class: Paladin • Homeland: Stormwind
Faction(s): Silver Hand

RP Hooks

  • Northsire Abbey: If you trained or lived at Northshire Abbey, you may know Kit.
  • Goldshire: Her distant cousin is the warrior trainer in Goldshire.
  • Argent Crusade: Any paladin in the Crusade might know her.

Lathrik H. Dinnsfield

Player: Aly
Race: Human • Class: Paladin • Homeland: Stormwind
Faction(s): Stormwind

RP Hooks

  • Death Knight Murder: May be/have been seen taking the accused death knight out of the city from time to time. They are always back by nightfall. For those involved in the trial, Lathrik is known.
  • Paladin: He is one, even if he doesn’t seem like it.
  • Rumor: CW: Sex There is a rumor that Lathrik picks up women at bars and taverns and takes them home, but they always leave unsatisfied.
  • Mana Potions: A frequent buyer. Like, really frequent.


Player: Alli
Race: Human • Class: Warlock • Homeland: Silverpine
Faction(s): Fleet, WEB

RP Hooks

  • Third War: You could have known Lena if you were an Alliance soldier or amongst the Eastern Kingdom refugees during the Third War.
  • Theramore: You could have known Lena if you spent time in Theramore after the war.
  • Silverpine: You might have known Lena prior to the Third War if your character grew up in northern Silverpine.
  • Fleet: You might know Lena if you're involved with the Fallon Fleet.

Lester Amerith

Player: Aly
Race: Human • Class: Mage • Homeland: Stormwind
Faction(s): Stormwind House of Nobles

RP Hooks

  • House of Nobles: Lester is a House member, and has been for some time.
  • Eccentric: Involved in many aspects of the entertainment industry. Have a good idea for a play, faire, festival, or party? He will probably back you!
  • Anti-war: The world's going to end eventually, let's have some fun instead.

Linwel Moonwell

Player: Luridel
Race: Night Elf • Class: Druid

RP Hooks

  • Moon-touched: Blessed of Elune, or so they have claimed. What this actually means in a practical sense is up for debate.
  • Collector: One man's trash is another moonkin's treasure.


Player: Mishell
Race: Dwarf • Class: Warrior • Homeland: Ironforge/Aerie Peak
Faction(s): Wildhammer Clan

RP Hooks

  • Wildhammer Clan: Pretty much any Wildhammer would at least know OF her. She's been raising gryphons for them for nearly two and a half centuries, and she's had kids with at least half a dozen different men.
  • Warrior Trainer: Lireen trains warriors for Cobalt Company, so any young green warrior types are welcome to come to her to learn!


Player: Luridel
Race: Draenei • Class: Mage • Homeland: Draenor

RP Hooks

  • Draenei: If you crashed in the Exodar, you probably know everyone else who did, so feel free to know/remember Liruna.


Player: Vond
Race: Night Elf • Class: Druid • Homeland: Feralas
Faction(s): Cenarion Circle

RP Hooks

  • Cenarion Researcher: Lode may be known of by those who have participated in the investigation of Silithus, who are involved in the druids' knowledgework, or who have any interest in her specialty of strange lifeforms and their methods of 'speaking'.
  • Young Sentinel: Lode was a capable but undistinguished Sentinel for a period of time that might be considered 'short' by many night elf standards. She was someone who did as told and wound up so frustrated that she threw herself at druidry with the fervor of the trapped.
  • No One Can Give Claw the Slip: Lode is a recent inductee of the Druids of the Claw, using her form shifting to access heightened senses that serve her research as much as the ferocity to protect herself.
  • Tinkertown Regular: Lode has picked up some basic principles of Gnomish engineering and shops around.

Lucy Moore

Player: Luridel
Race: Human • Class: Mage • Homeland: Stormwind

RP Hooks

  • Gnomish Engineer: Lucy has a membership card and she is always happy to talk about things and how to make them.

Lukas Rhenardt

Player: inkie
Race: Worgen • Class: Warrior • Homeland: Gilneas

RP Hooks

  • Members of the Gilnean nobility would likely be familiar with him. He makes the usual rounds of noble social events — where he's the guy in the stiff dark suit glowering from the edges of the ballroom — and sporting events, where he is at the front of any crowd, watching with an intent, appraising eye.
  • Those involved in politics would know him as an outspoken and ardent nationalist and supporter of the Greymanes.
  • Anyone with military connections or aspirations might be aware of him, from his distinguished career as an army officer — he left the Gilnean army with the rank of Captain, following the Second War — to his keen eye for military talent and his ability as a recruiter and trainer. His Stormwatch Irregulars had a formidable reputation throughout the kingdom.

Lydia Harcourt

Player: Luridel
Race: Human • Class: Paladin • Homeland: Hearthglen

RP Hooks

  • Scarlet Crusade: Lydia spent many years as a member of the Scarlet Crusade.
  • Tyr's Hand: Lydia was present at Tyr's Hand when the death knights attacked.
  • Paladin: Lydia is thirty-one as of Year 28 and might have met other paladins in a similar age range during her training in Lordaeron.

Lysabeau Winton

Player: Jessa
Race: Human • Class: Priest • Homeland: Stormwind
Faction(s): Stormwind Nobility

RP Hooks

Stormwind Nobility - Anyone familiar with the nobles of Stormwind may know Lysabeau or her parents. Her brother, Raphe, moves in those circles as well.

Army - It's possible someone in the army may know of Stephana, her elder sister, who holds a Lieutenant Commander's rank. Steph is currently serving in the north, with most of the rest of the army.

Northshire Abbey - Anyone who trained or was a trainer at the Abbey may remember Lysabeau from her time there. She was a lively and outspoken girl who always had questions and could be somewhat unorthodox, though always well-behaved.

Maisha Cloudskimmer

Player: Alli
Race: Dwarf • Class: Hunter • Homeland: Hinterlands
Faction(s): Wildhammer Clan

RP Hooks

  • Wildhammer Clan: If you're in or have contacts with the Wildhammer dwarves, you may know her.
  • Eastern Kingdoms Mercenary: She does a lot of work for Cobalt in the EK, people can have run into her in the course of this.

Malcolm Mcpheerson

Player: MrMook
Race: Worgen • Class: Hunter • Homeland: Stormglen, Gilneas
Faction(s): Gilneas

RP Hooks

  • Northgate Rebellion: The Mcpheersons all participated in the Northgate Rebellion, though the family patriarch notably avoided direct combat. Malcolm was a gunrunner and ammunition gopher, and was eventually imprisoned after the combat ended.
  • Stormglen: Malcolm and the controversial Mcpheerson brood lived on the outskirts of Stormglen, where they would often poach whatever was easiest at the time.
  • Gravehowl Pack: Malcolm is the runt of the litter when it comes to the Mcpheerson family and more importantly, the Gravehowl Pack. Based on how he behaves, he likes where he stands.


Player: Luridel
Race: Draenei • Class: Shaman • Homeland: Draenor

RP Hooks

  • Healer: Mansia can heal you if you're hurt.
  • Draenei: Mansia knows many people from the Exodar, including most other students of Nobundo.


Player: Mishell
Race: Human • Class: Warlock • Homeland: Westfall

RP Hooks

  • Warlock Ethics Bureau: Mayellen is a very active member of the W.E.B., with ambitions to one day take over Lena's spot on the leadership board.
  • Cobalt Eye: Mayellen is a member of Cobalt Company's investigative squad, the Cobalt Eye. Has someone gone missing? Something fishy going on? Call on Mayellen and her friends!
  • The Mullbys: Mayellen is the estranged daughter of the Mullbys, who run the most popular general store in Stormwind City. She helped them off and on in the store from the age of ten or so, but when she grew up she became a warlock, and they disowned her.

Merelda Veyne

Player: Alli
Race: Worgen • Class: Druid • Homeland: Gilneas
Faction(s): Gilnean Nobility

RP Hooks

  • Gilneas Architect: Merelda was an architect in Gilneas.
  • Gilnean Noble: The Veyne family is Gilnean nobility. She is the second child, oldest daughter.
  • Worgen: She fell to the worgen curse close to Year 28.

Merenel Hartvigsen

Player: Sharksu
Race: Human • Class: Priest • Homeland: Andorhal, Lordaeron
Faction(s): Argent Dawn (Formerly of the Clergy of Lordaeron)

RP Hooks

Citizen of Lordaeron: Probably the weakest of possible links, she was a farmgirl, afterall.

Argent Dawn: The older hands know each other in more ways than five. There are plenty of tales to tell.

Merenel of the Blue: As the dread Citadel blotted out the skies of the Eastern Plaguelands, a patrol of the Dawn was caught between roving bands of Scourge forces for two days. On the final night of their stand, waves of Scourge bodies battered their frontlines, quickly pressuring them into what would be a killing field. A favored friend, Templar Lerrain gave Merenel his sword. Words were exchanged between the two, leaving her in tears as they both marched to the frontlines. In a moment of dire heroism, he invoked every ounce of his faith, bolstered by Merenel's prayers.

The ground before them was seemingly consecrated, searing the flesh of ghouls and Lerrain alike. Merenel herself stood, staff planted in the fetid earth, whispering one litany after another as coruscating energy burned away the undead in veils of blue, holy flame. When she was next conscious, it was in bedrest at Light's Hope, her eyesight damaged and her hair bleached white.

Those who survived the night gave her the title, though she's never performed an act like such before or since.


Player: Saaron
Race: Human • Class: Rogue • Homeland: Nomad
Faction(s): Alliance

RP Hooks

  • Criminal: She might have stolen something from you once. Oops?
  • Artist: As she comes from a family of strolling players, you might have seen one of her family's shows. And she might have stolen something from you. Oops?
  • Useful: If you can teach her something useful, she'll like you.

Miranda Wylderson

Player: Aly
Race: Human • Class: Warlock • Homeland: Unknown
Faction(s): Unknown

RP Hooks

  • Light and Void: Miranda is familiar with these forces, and willing to aid anyone struggling to understand them.
  • Family: She will open up a lot quicker if one is familiar with her brother Alysson.
  • Trolls and Voodoo: She's studied under a witch doctor for some time, learning their craft. She specializes in potions and curses.

Miril Dionaea

Player: inkie
Race: Human • Class: Warlock • Homeland: Gilneas

RP Hooks

Mordecai Aspenwood

Player: Luridel
Race: Human • Class: Priest • Homeland: Stormwind

RP Hooks

  • Army Service: Mordecai worked for years as a chaplain in the Alliance army. He was present at the battle of Mt. Hyjal, a medic at the infirmary in Theramore, and spent time in Warsong Gulch.
  • Healer: If you're hurt, he will heal you, no questions asked. He spent some time working at the Shattrath infirmary, and might be remembered as 'Doctor Mordecai' by the orphans and residents of the Lower City.
  • Baker: It's a hobby that Mordecai is reluctant to discuss.
  • Chaplain: Mordecai is available for funerals, weddings, and counseling.
  • Notable Battles: Mordecai was present when Lady Prestor's treachery was unveiled and helped defend Prince Anduin from her dragonkin. He fought against Dimensius the All-Devouring in Netherstorm. He was at the retaking of the Sunwell. He was part of the teams that went into Zul'Gurub, Blackrock Mountain, and Naxxramas. He was present at the defeat of Malygos.

Mrs. Underthorn

Player: Luridel
Race: Worgen • Class: Warlock • Homeland: Gilneas

RP Hooks

  • The House of Flowers: Mrs. Underthorn ran a successful brothel in Gilneas City back in the day.

Nack Grappleclamp

Player: Disknight
Race: Goblin • Class: Rogue • Homeland: Undermine
Faction(s): Steamwheedle Cartel

RP Hooks

  • Steamwheedle Cartel: Nack has earned a good reputation for himself in the cartel. He's fairly small as far as ventures go seeing as it's mostly just him, but he holds influence vastly disproportionate with his size due to his success.
  • Gladiator Promoter: Nack sponsors several promising arena fighters and does work for them both in spreading publicity and setting up good matches. All for an honest fee, of course.
  • Fixer: His wide web of associates comes in handy when a wealthy client comes by needing a job done. It's possible that you've worked with Nack before, either asking him to find a group to get a job done, or being part of one of those groups yourself.

Nairee Holt

Player: Jessa
Race: Human • Class: Hunter • Homeland: Eastvale Logging Camp

RP Hooks

Eastvale/Elwynn - Anyone who roams Elwynn may have met Nairee out on one of her hunting excursions.


Player: Luridel
Race: Draenei • Class: Priest

RP Hooks

  • Crystals: Natai is deeply familiar with every single type of crystal the Draenei use in their construction and devices.

Natalyah Kensington-Whit

Player: Athena
Race: Worgen • Class: Priest • Homeland: Elwynn
Faction(s): Alliance

RP Hooks

  • Worgen: A survivor of the unfortunate worgen curse, her life has been forever altered by it, and those affected will find her searching for her own place in their corner of the world. She is not being subtle or disguising about it, much as she keeps on her human shape.
  • Butterflies: A published author on several species, this is her passion, and her reason for much of what she does. She has published under the name Nat K.W.. This is an instant conversation starter, and a way into her good graces at any time.
  • Lathrik Dinnsfield: Her Involvement, and the current middle point of her orbit around the Stormwind Guards, the Azerothian Interest, and the mystery of Count Amerith and Lady Ravendusk. Pull Natalyah, and you'll pull Lathrik, and vice versa.
  • Unusual Shadow Magic: Natalyah has min/maxed into one particular Shadow skill of seeing through another being's eyes. She can look not only through people, but also animals, and can hold the viewing for as long as she can remain awake. Those who need a way to keep a constant tether on someone for hours could find their way to her.
  • New Healer: Natalyah has just begun being able to use the Light to heal someone. Well, one person. But you gotta start somewhere, right? She learned the basics a long time ago, but techniques have changed in the ten years since, and someone looking for a pupil or protegee could find one.

Natlee Spatterspark

Player: Mishell
Race: Gnome • Class: Priest • Homeland: Gnomeregan

RP Hooks

  • Con Artists: People of a similar 'profession' might have temporarily teamed up with Natlee and her mother, though never long-term.
  • The Conned: You might have a score to settle with Natlee.
  • Mystic Ward Priests: You might be involved in helping Natlee on her journey to sainthood.

Nekrisha Riverbend

Player: OzmaAsimov
Race: Orc • Class: Shaman • Homeland: Durotar (current), Eastern Kingdoms (former)

RP Hooks

  • Daughter of a Legend: Nekrisha is the offspring of the great Blackrock hero, Oshok Axemaw!


Player: Disknight
Race: Night Elf • Class: Druid • Homeland: Ashenvale
Faction(s): Cenarion Circle

RP Hooks

  • Druid of the Claw: Thorn is a skilled druid and a master of the bear form. Other druids may know him by reputation.
  • War of Shifting Sands: He fought against the Qiraji and Silithid 1000 years ago and has the scars to prove it. Nothing happened here that made him particularly famous, but he served well and with distinction.
  • Eastern Kingdoms Expedition: Thorn has spent the last several years mainly in the Eastern Kingdoms tending to the lands there as the Circle has neglected them for so long.


Player: Alli
Race: Draenei • Class: Shaman • Homeland: Draenor
Faction(s): Earthen Ring

RP Hooks

  • Draenei: There aren't so many of us. Any draenei can probably know him!
  • Shamans: There are even less shamans than there are draenei, so yet another good excuse to know him!


Player: Saaron
Race: Undead • Class: Warlock • Homeland: A village near Lordaeron
Faction(s): The Forsaken

RP Hooks

  • Crimson Coterie: Sirie would love to get to work with her colleagues! That sounds exciting!
  • Her past lives: Sirie has all her memories from her past lives, including the ones from when she was living and what she did under the Scourge.
  • Enemies: Horde or not, if you cross her, you will be silently cursed with no warning. That usually does not help her make friends, once people realize where their pain or bad luck comes from.

Niksi Knockfathom

Player: OzmaAsimov
Race: Gnome • Class: Warrior • Homeland: Gnomeregan
Faction(s): The Explorers' League

RP Hooks

  • Ex-Pirate: Though she was never much of a buccaneer herself, Nix served on a pirate vessel, The Skylark, for several years.
  • Explorer: Though committed mostly to the exploration of the sea, sometimes Niksi's expeditions require her to act like a land-lubber.
  • Fish Enthusiast: Nix is fascinated by fish. By all sea life, actually, but people that know her still tend to think of her as "the fish lady".



Player: Gamine
Race: Night Elf • Class: Druid • Homeland: Astranaar, Ashenvale

RP Hooks

  • Healer: Nilunelle serves in the Cobalt Company as a healer. Though she might not be able to pack much of a punch herself, she can power any group through even the strongest of foes.
  • Leatherworker: To ensure the sacrifice of no creature's death ever goes to waste, Nilunelle has become skilled not only in cooking, but also crafting leather armor and goods of the highest quality. She is ever keen to make new things to help support those in her company.

Niris Ference

Player: inkie
Race: Human • Class: Priest • Homeland: Westfall

RP Hooks

RP Hooks:

You might know Niris (or know of her) if:

- You lived in southern Westfall between thirty and forty years ago;
- You served anywhere near Northshire Abbey during the First War;
- You stayed in the south after the First War, on the run from the orcs, rather than seeking refuge in the north;
- You've studied at Northshire Abbey at any point in the last twenty years;
- You are an avid reader of the Letters to the Editor sections of botanical or alchemical journals, or you are an avid reader of Elanor Steelbloom romance novels.


Player: Athena
Race: Gnome • Class: Mage • Homeland: Gnomeregan
Faction(s): Satis(faction)

RP Hooks

  • Your Character: Nish will flirt with anyone. A n y o n e.
  • Engineering/Demolitions: Nish loves a good explosion. And dynamite. She does know what she's doing, and is a skilled engineer. If she wants it to explode, it will. If she doesn't, it won't.
  • Fun: Is it gonna be fun? She's in. Let's go. Right now.


Player: Vond
Race: Draenei • Class: Shaman • Homeland: Genedar
Faction(s): Exodar, Earthen Ring

RP Hooks

  • Genedar Passenger: Nunuzac was a flight baby born and raised on the ship itself. She has no memory of Argus, but because of the slow reproduction of the draenei, that alone might make her recognizeable to some of the exiles who journeyed on the ship.
  • Shaman Adept: Shamanism is the new hotness among the draenei, and she managed to wheedle her way into instruction. Likely to know other recent inductees on the path.
  • Outland Wanderer: Nunuzac wanders far and wide across the shattered lands looking for elemental instabilities to repair. She is quite liable to bump into others by random circumstance!


Player: Disknight
Race: Night Elf • Class: Rogue • Homeland: Ashenvale

RP Hooks

  • Demon Hunter: One of the Kaldorei who followed the example of Illidan Stormrage and his unconventional method of combatting the Burning Legion. If you are also a demon hunter, you may be familiar with her or her late teacher, Allanon Shadowthorn. You might even be another of her contemporaries that survived Velrin's attack.
  • Third War Veteran: The demon hunters did not shy away from battle when the Archimonde and the Scourge came to Kalimdor. You may recognize her if you fought there, particularly in Felwood or the Battle of Mount Hyjal.
  • Pariah: She and her kind stick out like a sore thumb in proper night elf society. Anyone who has lived in the forests of northern Kalimdor for an extended period of time may have seen glimpses of her as she travelled about in search of prey.

Oktavi Fizzlefuse

Player: Saaron
Race: Goblin • Class: Warlock • Homeland: Kezan
Faction(s): Bilgewater Cartel

RP Hooks

  • Fame: Why, yes, she is Vi, famous Kaja'Cola spokesperson!
  • Rags to Riches: Oktavi knows basically everybody in Kazan, from the other underprivileged goblins of the slums to the richest people.
  • Openly a Warlock: Oktavi isn't afraid to show she's a warlock and doesn't bother dismissing her demons. To her, as it is with a lot of goblins, the Fel isn't so bad.

Oranna Stormbreaker

Player: Athena
Race: Dwarf • Class: Hunter • Homeland: Dun Morogh
Faction(s): Bronzebeard Dwarf

RP Hooks

  • Second War: Veteran of the Second War in the Ironforge Siege, much of Oranna's destiny was shaped by her experiences in that year.
  • Animals: A hunter with an affinity for animals, talking about training pets, or the inherent wonderfulness of the creatures of Azeroth is a surefire way to engage Oranna in conversation.
  • Titans: Oranna doesn't believe they exist…probably. Or maybe they do, but they're not gods, gosh.
  • Origin of the Dwarves: It's a touchy subject, but she was there in Uldaman when the origins of the dwarves was unconvered.
  • Guns: Oranna knows her stuff on guns, and she will introduce anyone to Boomstick, the family heirloom that just won't quit.


Player: Saaron
Race: Undead • Class: Priest • Homeland: Quel'Thalas
Faction(s): The Forsaken

RP Hooks


Oshok Axmaw

Player: Mishell
Race: Orc • Class: Warrior • Homeland: Gorgrond
Faction(s): Blackrock Clan

RP Hooks

  • Blackrock Clan - Any Blackrock orcs would know Oshok well.
  • Internment Camps - If you're an orc, you might have been in the same internment camp as Oshok and his family.
  • Blacksmithing - Oshok is known for his skill in making armor and most especially weapons.

Oslynn Gravehowl

Player: Mishell
Race: Worgen • Class: Druid • Homeland: Gilneas
Faction(s): Harvest Witches

RP Hooks

  • Gilnean Poor - Did you scrounge for scraps in the trash bins of Gilneas City? Why, you might be a regular social acquaintance of Ms. Boles.
  • Gilnean Law - When people in Gilneas City do crimes, do you tend to get involved somehow? You have probably had a run-in or two with Ms. Boles.
  • Harvest Witch - Do you help bring in the crops every year with your slightly spoopy nature magic? Then maybe you were part of the community that took Ozzy in at age 13.

Ozmatoz Flickbristle

Player: OzmaAsimov
Race: Gnome • Class: Mage • Homeland: Gnomeregan

RP Hooks

  • Artist: Ozmatoz is the one responsible for most of the visual design of Cobalt Company posters, documentation, and company sigil. Cobalt keeps her pretty busy, but her talents are for hire.


Player: OzmaAsimov
Race: Draenei • Class: Priest • Homeland: Nalador, Argus
Faction(s): The Aldor, W.E.B.

RP Hooks

  • Orachi: Paluuva is an orachi — the draenei word for "teacher". She has been teaching draenei children since the exodus from Argus. Are you one of her former pupils?
  • Archivist: Paluuva is an historian with deep knowledge of many cultures of Outland, Azeroth, and beyond. Deep some insight into another culture, she might be able to help.
  • Linguist: Paluuva is fluent in Draenei, Orcish, and Common, and conversant in countless other languages. She picks up new tongues with relative ease.
  • Ambassador: Her gift for understanding languages and cultures has long made Paluuva valuable as a diplomat for the draenei when dealing with other peoples. The Alliance has come to appreciate her talents as well and made her a formal ambassador.
  • Mystic Scribe: Her gift for and love of language made Paluuva and natural for the art of mystical inscription. She is talented at producing magic scrolls, glyphs, and related written materials. (See what Paluuva can create here.)
  • Sibling?: Paluuva's brother and sister may or may not have remained behind on Argus or joined her on the Genedar; this has been left deliberately vague for the time being.


Player: Luridel
Race: Draenei • Class: Paladin

RP Hooks

  • Vindicator: A protector of her people. Likely to recognize most draenei who crashed on the Exodar with her.
  • Hand of Argus: Pericleia carries some authority as a member of the Hand of Argus.

Peril Farrens

Player: Aly
Race: Human • Class: Warlock • Homeland: Stormwind
Faction(s): Azerothian Interest

RP Hooks

  • Nosy Reporter: Don't worry. He'll come to you.
  • Azerothian Interest, Main Writer: Maybe you're a fan? (Wink)
  • Connections: Someone must be funding him. Furnishing him with information. Giving him access to otherwise restricted things. Who? Why?


Player: Josh
Race: Human • Class: Rogue • Homeland: Stormwind
Faction(s): The STORMWIND Kensington-Whits and NOT the ELWYNN Kensington-Whits

RP Hooks

Stormwind Nobility: Anyone familiar with Stormwind's upper crust -may- have heard of the Kensington-Whits

The Blue-Blooded Brigand: No one has actually heard of this person. Philibert just thinks people have.

Priscilla Moore

Player: Luridel
Race: Human • Class: Warrior • Homeland: Stormwind

RP Hooks

  • Artist: Priscilla is a professional painter, but she works in other mediums as well. Her paintings have featured in many galleries in Stormwind over the years.

Prospector Brannagen Stillwall

Player: Mishell
Race: Dwarf • Class: Priest • Homeland: Ironforge
Faction(s): Explorers League

RP Hooks

  • Explorers League: Anyone who deals with the Explorers' League might know of Bran; he's one of the few Prospectors who is a priest/healer, and stands out for that reason. He is known to be a bit of a dissenting voice, especially when the League gets reckless with life and limb in the pursuit of knowledge.
  • Stillwall Brewery: Bran's family doesn't come close to the Barleybrews or the Thunderbrews, with sales of their various offerings limited mostly to Ironforge. Stillwall Barleywine, though, is a bit of a breakout hit - several taverns who pride themselves on unusual "best kept secret" offerings serve it with pride.


Player: Luridel
Race: Draenei • Class: Shaman • Homeland: The Genedar

RP Hooks

  • Shaman: Other draenei shamans would absolutely know her.
  • Patron of the Arts: Qelida is interested in galleries, art shows, fashion shows, concerts, and plays.


Player: Aly
Race: Human • Class: Warrior • Homeland: Lordaeron
Faction(s): Former Scarlet Crusader

RP Hooks

  • Lived and worked in Lordaeron: She is always friendly to anyone from her homeland.
  • Horses: Ralaea loves horses, and always carries apples to share with them.
  • Scarlet Crusade: Have a relationship with or an opinion about the Crusade? Most people do, favorable or…less so.
  • Often visits the Church in Stormwind: And you may see her buying something, if you watch close.


Player: Disknight
Race: Blood Elf • Class: Paladin • Homeland: Eversong Woods

RP Hooks

  • Ballerina: A famous/infamous dancer who has performed all across Quel'Thalas. If you are a fan of ballet or other forms of dancing performances, you may recognize her.
  • Flirt: While it likely ended as soon as it began, elf gentlemen may be able to boast of a passing romance with her as she travelled across Quel'Thalas.
  • Hushed whispers…: Her mother, Piriam, was the pride of the small town Ranneowyn was born in. She is an incredible singer and anyone would have told you she was bound for Silvermoon. However, after the scandal that ensued with her becoming pregnant, unmarried, at the ripe young age of 117 that dream was dashed. While no one ever said it to their faces, there is certainly a perception that Ranneowyn runied her mother's life.
  • Noble Blood?: TLDR, Ranneowyn has claim to a noble title that can serve as a hook for romance(?) RP if anyone wants to engage with this hook to create a political drama story.

Her father, Doriyen, was born into the prestigious Phoenixheart family. This noble house, while relatively small, was respected both for its members' incredible swordsmanship as well as their integrity, honor, and impeccable morals. However, as time went on and the trolls became less and less of a threat, the house of warriors began to fall upon hard times for want of work. It was during this time that Doriyen came of age. While he shared the rest of his family’s knack for swordsmanship, his morals were found wanting. The young man was a hopeless womanizer, and would find himself running off with a new woman almost every other week, causing no small amount of trouble for the rest of his family, trying to mitigate the damage he was doing to their house’s reputation. The final straw came when Doriyen’s parents betrothed him to a young woman from a much wealthier house in order to solve their financial problems, but this plan was ruined when Doriyen went off and had a fling with a different girl from a rival house. With that, Doriyen’s parents decided he was more trouble than he was worth and disowned him, and he took on a new name, Noonshade, and went off to be an adventurer, the life he had always wanted all along anyway.

And this was all there was to say on the matter until the Third War. When the Scourge invaded Quel’Thalas, Doriyen set off from Dalaran to come to the aid of his homeland and stave off Arthas’ advance. He ultimately gave his life fighting to protect Silvermoon and had his noble titles posthumously reinstated for his service. His widow, Thuraniel had every right to claim his inheritance, but she refused, as did her son, Taeavon, following her example. With that, the Phoenixheart house is set to be dissolved as all of the main family was killed in the war as well as virtually all of their legitimate heirs. However, the keen observer will note that a single perfectly legitimate heir still lives, the commoner girl, Rannoeowyn Dawnstrider. While her father may have never formally recognized her as his own in life, he did do so in his will in which he left a significant portion of his wealth to “my eldest daughter, Ranneowyn”.

Ranneowyn herself is not really aware of the importance of this detail, nor does she feel any desire to chase after nobility when she is perfectly happy living as she pleases being a dancer. Much like her father, she values her freedom and makes enough on her own to live in comfort, but she might feel differently if gaining this position could allow her to salvage her mother’s reputation and provide her with a better life. Still, though, a commoner like her would be hard pressed to defend her claim against all of the other houses that would stand to gain from Phoenixheart’s collapse, but should someone else come along who is equipped to handle these issues, they may be able to negotiate with Ranneowyn into creating a mutually beneficial relationship.

Raschal Crowflight

Player: Mishell
Race: Night Elf • Class: Rogue • Homeland: Darkshore
Faction(s): Ravenholdt

RP Hooks

  • Ravenholdt: If you're a member of or have worked with the Assassins' League, you may have crossed paths with Raschal.
  • Courier: Need a message delivered fast?

Ravaine Emberleaf

Player: Aly
Race: Night Elf • Class: Hunter • Homeland: Ashenvale
Faction(s): Darkmoon Faire

RP Hooks

  • Family: Her mother is a Sentinel, her father, a druid. Perhaps you have heard of the Emberleafs and their missing relatives.
  • Darkmoon Faire: Easily encountered at the Faire!
  • Curious: Loves the sneaky sorts! Rogues beware.

Remilea Monroe

Player: Jessa
Race: Human • Class: Mage • Homeland: Lordaeron, then Theramore

RP Hooks

Reniya Hartrim

Player: Aly
Race: Human • Class: Rogue • Homeland: Kul Tiras
Faction(s): Stormwind

RP Hooks

  • Stormwind Guard: He works in and around the city, when he isn't shirking his duties off onto someone else.
  • Unashamed Flirt: Can and will flirt with anyone, and go further if they want to.
  • Lathrik Dinnsfield: Counts himself among a small few in the paladin's inner circle. Chances are, if you deal with Lathrik, you will run into him at some point.


Player: Jack
Race: Gnome • Class: Warlock • Homeland: Gnomeregan

RP Hooks

  • Business Inquiries: He's a tinker and craftsman, so if you need something forged, reproduced, mass-produced, analyzed, copied, or otherwise manufactured for either legal or illicit purposes, CALL HIM.

Roper Sunstrike

Player: Athena
Race: Human • Class: Death Knight • Homeland: Stormwind
Faction(s): Ebon Blade

RP Hooks

  • SI:7 — Roper was a top agent once, and some might still know him by his agent name 'Roper.'
  • The Ebon Blade — Roper has a plan to elevate the Ebon Blade up high enough to become a normal part of life in Azeroth, safe from the mobs with pitchforks. The longer this goes on, the more likely your character can have heard of him or Syarra, the leader of the Death Knight PR team.
  • Syarra — Roper's wife and the leader of his group. Make her your problem, Roper is your next problem.
  • Colson Aspenwood — Those who know the paladin might find Roper's reaction to the name is anything but neutral.
  • The Scourge — The fight to keep the Scourge from destroying Azeroth goes on, and Roper will not quit a mission that isn't finished.
  • Cobalt Company — Roper has a strong interest in Cobalt, and every connection counts. If your character is an IC member or an associate, he will be motivated to make a good impression and work together.

Sabitha Lambert

Player: Jessa
Race: Human • Class: Warlock • Homeland: Elwynn Forest

RP Hooks

  • Alliance Army: If you were at Hyjal, you might have come across Sabitha in the camps or doing mundane chores around. This is also true of anyone serving in Alliance armies during the entirety of the Third War. Certainly anyone familiar with Mordecai's unit will know of her, and possibly have been friends with Zeke.
  • Stormwind: It's also possible someone knows Sabitha or her family from their trips into Stormwind or the more frequent ones into Goldshire.
  • Westfall: Someone may know Zeke's family, the Lamberts, from Westfall.


Player: Mishell
Race: Draenei • Class: Warrior • Homeland: Nagrand, Draenor

RP Hooks

  • 7th Legion - Saion is a sergeant in the 6th Expeditionary Unit of the 7th Legion. He's new, but he's hard to miss.
  • Misfits - If you don't fit in anywhere else, or no one else wants to hang around you, Saion might have befriended you somewhere along the way - or might be about to.
  • Exodar - People on the Exodar would probably know of him. If they were ever feeling sad or lonely, they might know him quite well.
  • Exes - Literally anyone is free to say they have sexy history with Saion. He's not bent out of shape if it remains history. Or if it doesn't. Whatever you need!

Samarith Felbinder

Player: OzmaAsimov
Race: Human • Class: Warlock • Homeland: Corin's Crossing, Eastweald, Lordaeron
Faction(s): Kirin Tor (former)

RP Hooks

  • Former Kirin Tor: Sam was a rising star in Dalaran before the Third War. Those who were in the Kirin Tor at that time could possibly recognize her.
  • Lordaeron Refugee: There is a certain camaraderie among Lordaeronians these days. Are you from the Eastweald, by chance? Corin's Crossing?

Sarandis Wildbloom

Player: Alli
Race: Night Elf • Class: Warrior • Homeland: Ashenvale
Faction(s): Sentinels

RP Hooks

Sentinels: Any sentinels may know her, she'd been with the organization for centuries.

Battle at Mount Hyjal: Those at the battle might remember her.

Web of Kaldorei Relationships: Anyone connected to the Evensong/Silvershade/Wildbloom cluster of elves might know of her.

Sellaine Crawford

Player: Mishell
Race: Undead • Class: Warlock • Homeland: Lordaeron
Faction(s): Royal Apothecary Society

RP Hooks

  • Royal Apothecary Society: A member both in life and in death, Sellaine has great respect for her fellow Apothecaries. Except for Putress, of course, who was a traitor and no true Royal Apothecary. Wink wink.
  • Crawford Alchemical Solutions: Anyone who lived in Lordaeron and ever went shopping for potions and elixirs at least knew of this powerhouse of a business and the social climbing family who used alchemy money to essentially buy their way into nobility. Since the rest of her family is conveniently dead, she technically runs the business now, but it doesn't do as much business as it once did.

Sentinel Cellara Rivenbark

Player: Mishell
Race: Night Elf • Class: Hunter • Homeland: Ashenvale Forest
Faction(s): Sentinels

RP Hooks

  • Sentinels: Cellara has been a Sentinel for hundreds of years, but has mostly stayed in a small area revolving around Astranaar. Any Sentinels who work in that area would definitely know of the widowed Sentinel Rivenbark, though none would know her well.
  • Art: Are you an art collector? A model? You may have business with Lara, as she is a painter of some talent. Her work is realistic and textured, the sort that feels three-dimensional and as though you could feel its furs and leaves with your fingertips.


Player: inkie
Race: Human • Class: Paladin • Homeland: Stromgarde
Faction(s): The Argent Dawn, formerly of the Silver Hand

RP Hooks

Sev might plausibly be acquainted with anyone from around Andorhal, anyone who served with or in proximity to the Silver Hand in the Third War, or anyone with connections to the Argent Dawn.

Sgt.Tadget Sharpgear

Player: Mishell
Race: Gnome • Class: Rogue • Homeland: Gnomeregan Exile
Faction(s): 7th Legion

RP Hooks

  • Gnomeregan Defense Force: Has good relationships (as Tadget Lodestone, officially deceased) with people who were in the G.D.F. prior to the fall of Gnomeregan.
  • 7th Legion: Anyone in or associated with 7th Legion is her family, no questions asked. They might be a bit wary of her, however, given that she has a history of behaving somewhat erratically even under the icy hand of Captain Tyrrell.
  • Cobalt Blade: If you're a fan of the series of illustrated adventure novels The Cobalt Blade, you are well familiar with her personality, her history with the 7th Legion, her triplets, and her faceted peridot eyes.


Player: Alli
Race: Human • Class: Rogue • Homeland: Stormwind
Faction(s): Explorer's League

RP Hooks

  • Stormwind: He's spent most of his life in Stormwind, so other characters may have met him there. He's very outgoing, and did not spend a lot of time around the rich and noble.
  • Explorer's League: He regularly works for the Explorer's League, which he considers a source of amazing adventures.
  • 7th Legion: He was a temporary scout in the 7th Legion, in Captain Tyrrell's unit.

Sintha Fallon

Player: inkie
Race: Human • Class: Rogue • Homeland: Tiragarde Sound, Kul Tiras
Faction(s): SI:7

RP Hooks

  • STORMWIND ARISTOCRATS are likely familiar with her; she seems to be everywhere in society — though often gliding just at the edges, never standing at the indiscreet center. Society ladies have likely been air-kissed by her at one time or another; Sintha is the three-time world welterweight air kissing champion. Society gentlemen might be aware that her family fortune would make her a prize for any noble marriage (despite her ever-increasing age), although she has proved strangely elusive thus far.
  • GOSSIPS and avid followers of THE SOCIETY SCENE may have read an issue or two of Milady Moth's Society Sheet, though this would not necessarily alert them to an acquaintance with Sintha, per se. Milady Moth is an ephemeral creature of mystery. Who can she be? Gosh.
  • SI:7 AGENTS OR INFORMANTS may be aware of her, to a greater or lesser extent.
  • People stationed at or present in WINTERGARDE KEEP in the wake of the Wrathgate debacle may have encountered her.

Sir Colson Aspenwood

Player: Athena
Race: Human • Class: Paladin • Homeland: Stormwind
Faction(s): Alliance/Silver Hand

RP Hooks

  • Paladins/Knights of the Silver Hand/Argent Crusade/The Light: He is ready and willing to talk about paladins, and the Light at any time. Be prepared that he can and will quote the Tomes from memory.
  • Mt. Hyjal/Theramore: He was there at the battle, and he was in Theramore since it's construction up to early Year 25.
  • Mordecai/Cressidha: If you know either of them, he is the guy to chat to about them. They are his People.
  • Twilight's Hammer: He's got a long standing beef with this cult group.
  • Scarlet Crusade: A significant aspect of his arc for becoming a Holy paladin. He will be friendly towards any Scarlets who have left the Crusade, and will be willing to talk to current Crusaders.
  • Stormwind Nobility: He almost certainly not only knows your family, but you may be actually acquainted, if you are from a noble house.
  • Aspenwood Wine: He can talk about the family wine with clear specifications at any time.

Sir Dane Atley

Player: MrMook
Race: Human • Class: Warrior • Homeland: Lordaeron
Faction(s): Knights of Stormwind, Thorium Brotherhood, Mithril Order

RP Hooks

  • Blacksmith: Atley is well known in certain professional circles as a skilled blacksmith, and is a member of both the Thorium Brotherhood and the Mithril Order.
  • Horseman: Atley has had a life long appreciation for horses and an inherent, practiced aptitude to match. He is always up for talking horses, and engages with them in something akin to childlike enjoyment.
  • Lifelong Soldier: Atley has effectively been in the army since he was nearly nine years old. He was a camp follower in the Second War on the major campaign trail. Later he became a footman of Lordaeron who saw combat in most major engagements of the Third War with the 1st Legion under Prince Arthas Menethil and later the Lordaeron Brigade under Lady Jaina Proudmoore. He has recently been made a knight of Stormwind.
  • Stormwind/Lordaeron: The Atleys were originally peasant laborers and woodcutters from Redridge, and Dane spent his formative years in Lordaeron following the evacuation of Stormwind.

Sir Elohad Ference

Player: Mishell
Race: Human • Class: Paladin • Homeland: Brightwood (now called Duskwood)
Faction(s): Silver Hand

RP Hooks

  • Stormwind House of Nobles: Lord Ference holds a seat on the House as of Year 27, and is known for making dramatic speeches and attempting to root out corruption.
  • Cobalt Company: If you've heard of Cobalt Company, you've heard of its founder, the very dramatic Lord/Sir Elohad Ference, the Enduring. He's big on PR.
  • Warlock Ethics Bureau: Along with his priestess wife, Elohad currently holds a position on the leadership board of the WEB, lending a paladin's perspective on the ethical use of fel magic.
  • Cobalt Players: Elo ran a well-known theatre company in Lordaeron between the second and third wars. He wrote most of Cobalt Company's plays and, before he started losing his hair in his late 20s, also starred in them. Many might remember his name from those times.

Sir Kyris Lysander

Player: Luridel
Race: Human • Class: Warrior • Homeland: Stormwind
Faction(s): Alliance

RP Hooks

  • Swordsman: While you were doing whatever else you were up to, Kyris studied the blade.
  • Arena Fighter: Both in Dalaran's underground fighting arena and in the Argent Tournament, Kyris fought as the Swordsman, giving no other name. His sword, however, is incredibly memorable.
  • Ta'Kierthan Songblade: Crafted centuries ago by a legendary elven priest, this sword chants in Darnassian when in use. The intensity of the chanting seems proportional to the intensity of the combat.


Player: Jessa
Race: Human • Class: Rogue • Homeland: Westfall
Faction(s): Pirate

RP Hooks

Any sailor might have had a run-in with Skylarke on the high seas. She's also been arrested several times, but no one's kept hold of her long enough to do anything permanent.

Anyone who frequents portside bars and houses of ill-repute might know her. She's flamboyant when she wants to be, and, on the surface at least, everyone is her friend.

Slicket Throttleblast

Player: Alli
Race: Gnome • Class: Warrior • Homeland: Gnomeregan
Faction(s): Gnomeregan Exiles

RP Hooks

Mirage Raceway: Anyone who hung around the raceway could know him.

Sophiette Valonforth

Player: OzmaAsimov
Race: Human • Class: Paladin • Homeland: Lordaeron
Faction(s): Argent Crusade

RP Hooks

  • Famous Father: Captain Luc Valonforth was a renowned paladin of Lordaeron, and one of the leaders of the 1st Legion Expeditionary Force that followed Arthas Menethil to Lordaeron. He never returned from that expedition and is presumed dead. With no one to report on his actions in Northrend, there have been many questions about what he may have done under Arthas. His defenders point to his lifetime of honorable service, while the doubters are quick to point out that Arthas was once an honorable paladin as well.
  • Displaced Noble: House Valonforth was a noble family of Lordaeron, once holding a small fiefdom near Stratholme, with their family manor in the city itself. Like many Lordaeronian houses, they now reside in Stormwind. The loss of their lands impacted their fortunes significantly. Though still wealthy by common standards, the only real influence they have anymore is their good name, and even that has been tainted by questions about Luc Valonforth's allegiances.
  • Paladin: Sophiette's training as an initiate came to an end on January 5, Year 28. She is now a full-fledged paladin. Her ceremony was attended by Dara Tennerow and Sir Elohad Ference.
  • Argent Crusader: Sophiette is a recent recruit to the Argent Crusade.
  • The Undying: After she, Dara, Hugo, and Fionette were caught in Deathwing's flames in the Eastern Plaguelands, Sophiette's will and devotion were so strong that her soul found it's own way back to her body. Fionette later marveled at how rare a quality that was, and dubbed her 'Sophiette the Undying', an epithet that has begun to spread in the Argent Crusade.

Sorraine Riordan

Player: OzmaAsimov
Race: Worgen • Class: Rogue • Homeland: Gilneas

RP Hooks

  • Gilnean Traveler: Are you also a Traveler? You're family! Non-Gilneans may look down on her with suspicion, though.
  • Bard: Sorraine's role in the world is to spread songs and stories. Sure, modern Azeroth has its fancy newspapers, magical mail, and gnomish communication devices. But none of those are half as entertaining as a minstrel!


Player: Jack
Race: Human • Class: Rogue • Homeland: Stormwind/Westfall

RP Hooks

  • RP Hook: Need someone murdered?

Syarra Sunstrike

Player: Alli
Race: Blood Elf • Class: Death Knight • Homeland: Quel'Thalas
Faction(s): Knights of the Ebon Blade

RP Hooks

  • Blood Knights: If your character is a Blood Knight, they've likely met.
  • Silvermoon: If your character spent a lot of time in Silvermoon, they may have met.
  • Plaguelands: If your character was in the Plaguelands under any (non-scourge) affiliation, they can have met. She was friendly.
  • Ebon Blade: If your character is a freed death knight at this point, they can have met.
  • Argent Crusade: Her sister is in the Argent Crusade, and she's spent time trying to improve their ties with the Ebon Blade.
  • Tuskarr: Syarra has spent considerable time in Northrend building rapport with the Tuskarr, who don't seem as opposed to death knights as some races (we are marked by Karkut). Others with an affinity to Tuskarr may run into her or hear of her.

Syreithe Silverlight

Player: OzmaAsimov
Race: Night Elf • Class: Warrior • Homeland: Eldre'Thalas (Dire Maul)
Faction(s): Shen'dralar, House Silverlight, Cobalt Aegis

RP Hooks

  • Twin: Has a twin sister, Hespyth. Though identical, it is very easy to tell them apart by their demeanors. They are not merely twins, but kalanore, twins who share the same soul.
  • Highborne: Syreithe is one of the Highborne — kaldorei of the old upper class that have lived in isolation for millennia. Other Highborne might seek an ally in one of their own, while many typical night elves have a poor opinion of the Highborne.
  • Eldre'Thalas: Elves from the ancient Highborne city would likely have some passing familiarity with Syreithe Silverlight and her strange "school". They might even know about her odd, "witchy" twin sister…though Syreithe protectively kept prying eyes away from her.
  • Martial Artist: Syreithe possesses mastery of hand-to-hand combat and many weapon styles. She has developed her own discipline, Daen Eluna'shei, which she has taught to a handful of other Highborne.
  • Philosopher: Do you like to talk philosophy or spiritual matters? Syreithe will be more than happy to listen, and to talk your ear off about them.

The Path of Lunar Harmony

Daen Eluna'shei, or "the Path of Lunar Harmony", is both a philosophy and a martial art. Syreithe has developed it extensively over the millennia, but there are a handful of crucial tenets at its core.

Tabiana Lynds

Player: Aly
Race: Human • Class: Warrior • Homeland: Lordaeron
Faction(s): Argent Crusade

RP Hooks

  • Argent Crusade: Those involved with the Crusade may know her.
  • Harvey Morningdew: Anyone with a connection to Harvey will know her as his retainer.
  • Ralaea: She is considered a friend of Ralaea Westwind and may come up in conversations with her.
  • Lynds: Her sister, Taya Lynds, was a member of the Scarlet Crusade until her death. Current and former Scarlets may recognize the last name, at least.


Player: Luridel
Race: Draenei • Class: Death Knight • Homeland: Argus
Faction(s): The Aldor

RP Hooks

  • Former Anchorite: Tanet was with the priesthood for thousands upon thousands of years. She was a devout healer and dedicated to the preservation of the naaru and the Light.


Player: Disknight
Race: Human • Class: Warrior • Homeland: Westfall
Faction(s): Defias Brotherhood

RP Hooks

-Rose?: If you were ever a part of the Defias Brotherhood, you may know her.

-Prize Fighter: People acquainted with Stormwind's underground fighting scene might recognize her as the fighter, Roselash.

-Mercenary: Terrineth fights in more than just the ring. She also has a moderate reputation as hired muscle.

-Heavy Drinker: She is often found drinking her evenings away at the Pig and Whistle in Old Town.


Player: Jack
Race: Dwarf • Class: Rogue • Homeland: Ironforge

RP Hooks

  • RP Hook: Need information? Looking for a job? Wanna get blackmailed?

Thalstan Stouthammer

Player: Alli
Race: Dwarf • Class: Warrior • Homeland: Ironforge
Faction(s): Bronzebeard Clan

RP Hooks

  • Ironforge: Spend a lot of time in Ironforge? Ever had a drink at the Thirsty Dragon? You may have met Thal!
  • Ironforge Guards: Have you ever been an Ironforge guard? If so, you might know Thal!
  • Romance Readers: Readers of romance novels may find his face strangely familiar…
  • Cobalt Blade: Thal is the team leader of the wildly popular Cobalt Blade, yes the gang featured in many tie-in novels and fanfics.

Thaniel Clay

Player: Luridel
Race: Worgen • Class: Priest • Homeland: Gilneas
Faction(s): Gravehowl Pack

RP Hooks

  • The Old Ways: Thaniel was involved with the local harvest witch coven in his area.
  • Blessed: There is something about him that's genuinely magical in a way that would be difficult for most people to pin down.
  • Gravehowl Pack: Thaniel's pack was instrumental in the escape from Gilneas.


Player: Saaron
Race: Human • Class: Warrior • Homeland: Tirisfal Glades
Faction(s): Argent Crusade

RP Hooks

  • Ex-guard of Lordaeron: Not only was Therald a guard in Lordaeron, which means he has met or seen a lot of people living there, he also took his leave only a few weeks before the orcs sieged the Capital.
  • Bad reputation: His family was disgraced after his father attacked a higher-ranking noble. That had an impact on the Oakley family's reputation. Not only that, but the fact that he left his duty as a guard so close to a siege gave him some kind of deserter reputation.
  • Guard for the Argent Dawn: As someone who is not versed in the Light's magic, his job at the Argent Dawn mostly consists of keeping watch. He's currently IC working at the Dark Portal (OOC he's level 11, so getting there is kind of dangerous for him right now!). The Argent Dawn might be one of the only groups on Azeroth that perceives him in a good light.
  • Small village: Therald is from a small village in Tirisfal Glades. Maybe you come from that area too.

Theris Lysander

Player: Luridel
Race: Human • Class: Death Knight • Homeland: Stormwind
Faction(s): Knights of the Ebon Blade

RP Hooks

  • Librarian: Theris worked as an assistant librarian in Stormwind's royal library before he died.
  • Knight of the Ebon Blade: He's dead.
  • Protector of Darkshire: Theris has taken up a post in Duskwood, south of Darkshire, where he fights the worgen and undead in the area. He is polite to everyone he speaks to, regardless of how they treat him.


Player: Josh
Race: Dwarf • Class: Hunter • Homeland: Dun Morogh

RP Hooks

  • Hunter: If you've any experience hunting or surviving in the wilds, you might recognize Thurmir as a kindred spirit. If you've hunted or ranged through the mountains of Dun Morogh specifically, you may even have encountered him, though this is fairly rare.
  • Trapper: If you've ever bought or sold furs, pelts, skins, or meat from the traders and market stalls of the villages around Dun Morogh, you may have encountered Thurmir, or more likely his father, Darmir.

Tibbiah Shinbreaker

Player: inkie
Race: Gnome • Class: Rogue • Homeland: Gnomeregan
Faction(s): Sons of Lothar

RP Hooks

  • Sons of Lothar: Any other members of the first Alliance expedition trapped in the Outlands probably ran across Tibbiah at some point.
  • Defenders of Gnomeregan: Anyone else who fought to hold Gnomeregan against the Second War siege might have known Tibbiah as a comrade-in-arms.


Player: Athena
Race: Human • Class: Paladin • Homeland: Ravenhill
Faction(s): Alliance

RP Hooks

  • Adventure!: Anything can be an adventure if you call it that and you have low standards, which Torvald does.


Player: Disknight
Race: Night Elf • Class: Rogue • Homeland: Felwood
Faction(s): Sentinels (formerly)

RP Hooks

  • Sentinel: Those in the Sentinels may know of her as a young prodigy that fought tooth and nail to join at the ripe age of 22 shortly after the Third War. You might also note that after a short leave she returned seeming much more mature and with considerable leadership skills that landed her a position as a captain soon after. She has since resigned her command, though her short tenure is a topic of conversation for many.
  • Argent Dawn: Those affiliated with the Argent Dawn or who otherwise have spent time fighting in the Plaguelands might recognize her for her frequent service there as a scout and assassin.
  • Keepers of Time: Bronze Dragons or those affiliated with them could potentially remember her from her mission where she went to aid in the formation of the ancient human kingdom of Arathor.
  • The Living Legacy: Though she may be much taller and slimmer, Velrin's face is the spitting image of her mother, the Sentinel archer Tenniria Silverbloom. She also has the same long violet hair as her father, the druid of the talon, Arravas Duskwing. Both of them had storied records fighting in the War of Shifting Sands, but were killed by Tichondrius while fighting the Burning Legion under the command of Illidan during the Third War. Other night elves may be familiar with them, or perhaps even Velrin herself by association.

Vesyllah Rivenheart

Player: OzmaAsimov
Race: Night Elf • Class: Priest • Homeland: Auberdine, Darkshore, Kalimdor

RP Hooks

  • Extralegal Justice: An acolyte of the Night Warrior — the vengeful aspect of Elune — Vesyllah acts as something of a self-appointed judge, jury, and frequently executioner of the wicked. Those who seek justice within the scope of the law may find themselves at odds with Vesyllah and her methods.
  • Hyjal Veteran…of sorts: Vesyllah was involved in a handful of skirmishes in the Third War, and answered the call when Mount Hyjal was attacked. She primarily acted as a medic, tending to the wounded, but had to fight when her patients' lives were threatened.
  • Gets by With a Little Help From Her Friends: Vesyllah's work with herbalism and alchemy goes beyond picking flowers and brewing elixirs. She has long experimented with a variety of mind-altering substances to open her consciousness to Elune and the greater cosmos. She is more than happy to share the experience with others.

Vice Admiral Siamus Fallon

Player: inkie
Race: Human • Class: Warrior • Homeland: Stormsong, Kul Tiras
Faction(s): Stormwind House of Nobles; the Alliance Navy; Kul Tiras

RP Hooks

  • STORMWIND NOBILITY - Southern aristocracy would be familiar with the Fallon name. Though the family might otherwise be disdained as foreigners and new-minted nobility, the fact that they were personally ennobled by King Varian for heroism in the liberation of Stormwind — and the fact that they have shiploads of money — have made them hard to ignore. The Fallons were also instrumental in the rebuilding and expansion of Stormwind Harbor, both financially and in an advisory capacity, a project in which they collaborated with their longstanding allies, House Thenedain.
  • LORDAERON NOBILITY - The northern aristocracy may be aware that courtesy of his recent marriage to the Duchess Avrenne Esprit, Siamus is now also Duke Esprit.
  • HOUSE OF NOBLES - Siamus has recently been selected for a seat on Stormwind's House of Nobles — due in large part to the canny campaign management of his new wife — so any Stormwind citizen or follower of Stormwind politics may be aware of him.
  • THIRD WAR - Veterans who were stationed in Theramore may be familiar with Siamus and/or his late father, Simon. Simon died with Lord Admiral Proudmoore; his son Siamus stayed true to his oaths to Stormwind when Kul Tiras abandoned the Alliance in the aftermath of Proudmoore's death, but he did stir Talk when he very publicly (but without comment) set one of his own fleet's ships adrift off Theramore and burned it. The ship was the Gracious Jane.
  • SEAFARING - Sailors, shipping companies, and seafaring sorts of a less savory bent as well as other Kul Tiran emigres are almost certainly aware of the Fallons as naval commanders and privateers. The Fallon crews are known as formidable fighters and masterful sailors; their skill at the latter has sparked more than one wild tale of a near-supernatural relationship with the sea. A not-insignificant percentage of the Fallon sailors are, like the Vice Admiral himself, native Kul Tirans; many of them have been in his service since the Third War, but others seem to have found their way to "the mainland" to join up even after that nation's break with the Alliance.

Vond Satterly

Player: Vond
Race: Human • Class: Paladin • Homeland: Stratholme
Faction(s): Argent Dawn, Argent Crusade

RP Hooks

  • Student in Lordaeron: Vond grew up as a city dweller in Stratholme, and received a quality education through the Church of Light.
  • Not Quite Silver Hand: Older members of the Hand or its offshoots likely knew of Vond's father, North. His mother, Anissa, was a riflewoman in the Second War before setting to raise her family.
  • Darnassian Happenstance: Given its timing at a formative point, Vond has very idyllic notions and vivid memories of Teldrassil.
  • LHC combatant: potentially recognizable by someone who was present at the battle.
  • Cure for What Plagues You: Vond was assigned to cleanse plague immediately after gaining capacity to do so following the Death Knight attack.

Winnie Demasco

Player: Athena
Race: Human • Class: Mage • Homeland: Stormwind
Faction(s): Alliance

RP Hooks

  • The Law — Winnie is a litigation prosecution lawyer primarily, with a focus on children, custody, and inheritance. She got her start in contract law, however, and still knows her ways around defense.
  • Children Without Homes/Families — Winnie's main focus is on trying to re-home children when possible, especially those displaced by sudden Azeroth deaths.
  • Stormwind Orphanage — Winnie is a frequent staple here, where she works with children in particular who are in flux at the orphanage who may still have some living next of kin or custody potential, and adoption paperwork.

Wisteria Herald

Player: Luridel
Race: Human • Class: Warlock • Homeland: Lordaeron

RP Hooks

  • Void-Touched: There is something very wrong with Wisteria and her magic.
  • "Scarlet" Monastery: Wisteria was raised at the monastery before it became Scarlet. Other characters from there may have known her as a child.
  • Scholomance "Student": She was more of a test subject than a proper student, but characters associated with Scholomance would know about her.

Wyriel Dreamtender

Player: Luridel
Race: Night Elf • Class: Druid • Homeland: The Emerald Dream
Faction(s): The Emerald Dragonflight

RP Hooks

  • Green Dragonflight: Wyriel serves them as a dreamtender, helping the Emerald Dream to flourish.


Player: OzmaAsimov
Race: Draenei • Class: Shaman • Homeland: Nagrand, Draenor

RP Hooks

  • Zephyr - As a shaman, Xaafi communes with all the elements. But she has always had an especially strong connection with the spirits of the air and wind. Perhaps they relate to her flighty nature and propensity to wander wherever impulse or circumstance takes her, with no regard for (or awareness of) borders or rules. She always seems to have a playful breeze twirling around her, tossing and ruffling her hair and clothes.
  • Musician - Xaafi lives and breathes music (sometimes literally). Her performances are rather unusual, relying on elemental spirits as her "backup band". She wears numerous hollow reeds of varying gauges on her body that she directs air through to produce notes as she dances. Her staff is adorned with wind chimes and crystal vials filled with water of different levels, which will tinkle together, or produce sounds with rapidly swirling water, or air blown over the tops of the vials. Cracks of lightning or thunderous hoofstomps in the earth serve as powerful percussion. It is an unusual take on some traditional draenei music (though she is starting to take an interest in some Azerothian styles as well), and perhaps not to everyone's taste. But no one can deny her sound is her own.
  • Dwarven Accent?! - Though her Common is broken and limited at best, some of her speech has a distinctly Dwarven affectation.


Player: teensy
Race: Worgen • Class: Hunter • Homeland: Gilneas

RP Hooks

If you were involved in the art scene, theater in particular, you may have met young Yseulde wearing the most achingly fashionable gown for a girl her age, and looking like she was ready to bite it

If you enjoyed shooting contests - archery, skeet shooting, trick shooting - you've seen Yseulde compete. Not the runaway best eye in Gilneas, but stiff competition at least

If you were involved with the Gilneas Horticultural Society or the Gilneas Flower Show, Yseulde was in attendance at many of the events.

If you have attended Rose House Productions, you may have seen Yseulde as a child actor, singing soprano to the back of the house—until her voice broke in puberty, anyway

If you were involved with the harvest witches, Yseulde was there, with her ethereal younger brother, Anselyn.

If you survived and had business with the community that banded itself around a group of healers trying to find a cure, you could have met Yseulde as one of the scouts, guards, and hunters.

Yveris Starleaf

Player: Aly
Race: Night Elf • Class: Druid
Faction(s): Cobalt Company

RP Hooks

  • Dancer: Anyone who visited or lived in Suramar may have seen her perform.
  • Sentinel: Anyone who has spent time with the Sentinels during and prior to the Third War may recognize her.
  • Humans: She prefers the company of humans and younger races.


Player: inkie
Race: Draenei • Class: Shaman • Homeland: Genedar

RP Hooks

  • Other draenei: I mean, there aren't that many of them. Especially applies to those who lived and traveled aboard the Genedar, to former Rangari, and to fellow students of Farseer Nobundo.


Player: OzmaAsimov
Race: Troll • Class: Shaman • Homeland: Darkspear Isles
Faction(s): Darkspear Tribe

RP Hooks

  • Spirit Magnet: When she dances (which is often), Zara'zara attracts minor elemental spirits that seem to enjoy "dancing" with her.
  • Meat Allergy: Zara doesn't eat red meat…or any mammal flesh. It's odd for a troll. But she will become extremely ill if she consumes it.

Ziriel Skyborn

Player: Luridel
Race: Night Elf • Class: Hunter

RP Hooks

  • Cat Owner: Minnow is a spotted nightsaber and a very good point of conversation.

Inactive Characters

These characters are inactive, and may or may not be available for RP. It doesn't hurt to ask!


Player: Saaron
Race: Night Elf • Class: Priest • Homeland: Felwood
Faction(s): Sisterhood of Elune

RP Hooks

  • Priestess: Aenesha is a Priestess of Elune and works as an ambassador for this theocracy. She's got a good reputation as both (and it's up to you to ruin it). She's available for some political RP!
  • Shadowpriestess: As a night elf shadowpriestess, Aenesha doesn't work with the void, but by channeling Elune's more vengeful side through her own anger and hatred. She's struggling with this, however, so maybe someone could help her find a way to access these emotions in herself?
  • Mount Hyjal: She was there when The Thing happened (and even briefly died)!! Were you too?

Alaril Grey

Player: inkie
Race: Human • Class: Rogue • Homeland: Stormwind
Faction(s): Defias (formerly), Ravenholdt

RP Hooks

  • People who might have known Thomas Grey, Aly's father
  • Former fellow Defias
  • Engineers, cartographers, thieves: Aly's interests are diverse but very specific


Player: JohnA
Race: Night Elf • Class: Druid • Homeland: Astrannar
Faction(s): Cenarion Circle

RP Hooks

  • Ashenvale Resident: People who've lived here may know him.
  • Druid of the Claw: Amerygn is pretty junior but there's only so many young druids.
  • Third War Veteran: Amerygn fought in the Third War and encountered people of all races in the fight against the Scourge.
  • Cenarion Circle Operative: Operative may be too strong a word, but Amerygn is dedicated to the Circle's work.
  • Progressive Night Elves: Amerygn supports changing night elf society in the changing world and by default supports people pushing for these changes.


Player: SarioDellish
Race: Draenei • Class: Shaman • Homeland: Argus
Faction(s): Hand of Argus

RP Hooks

  • Draenei: Literally any draenei who crashed in the Exodar pretty much know each other, and Arguune in particular would be well known as one of the original Vindicators.


Player: JohnA
Race: Draenei • Class: Shaman • Homeland: Draenor

RP Hooks


Player: Mishell
Race: Human • Class: Warlock • Homeland: Lordaeron
Faction(s): Slaughtered Lamb

RP Hooks

  • The Slaughtered Lamb: Mr. Bennett has been an instructor of demonology in Stormwind for a few years now. If you frequent the Slaughtered Lamb or move in Stormwind warlock circles, you'll have crossed paths with him, most likely.


Player: JohnA.
Race: Human • Class: Warrior • Homeland: Silverpine region, Lordaeron

RP Hooks

Connections, leads, and goals that can potentially generate role-play.

You might know Cam if:
1. You are a young person from Lordaeron
2. You or someone close to you is associated with the Stormwind orphanages
3. You spent time with the Westfall Militia while he was there

Chuck Silversong

Player: Athena
Race: Human • Class: Rogue • Homeland: Darrowshire
Faction(s): Bard

RP Hooks

  • Chuck Silversong: Your character might actually recognize her! Chuck was famous, and even if your character didn't like her or her music, they'd have known about her all the same. The might have even heard about her downfall, although given what happened with the Prince in the end, maybe Chuck was right to be yelling about him in the middle of the street, huh?
  • High Elves: Chuck spent a lot of with the High Elves. She even knows some of the naughty curse words.
  • Draenei: Chuck left her self-enforced retirement specifically to find out about the Draenei. This is it folks. You have a Draenei character you are dying to talk about their background and history and deep relationship with the naaru? BOOM. Talk to Chuck. She'll give you credit in the acknowledgments section of her next album.


Player: JohnA
Race: Human • Class: Priest • Homeland: Stormwind
Faction(s): Church of the Light

RP Hooks

  • When The Preacher Comes to Town: Humans who grew up in small towns or villages in the Stormwind domains may have encountered Cinhil as he ministered to these scattered settlements.
  • Of the Church: Cinhil's been a priest for 40 years; anyone with the church will probably be only a couple of degrees away from him.
  • Teacher, Teacher: Cinhil has taught many of the children in the Stormwind orphanages before his latest falling out with the church higher-ups.
  • Stormwind Resident: Naturally, as a longtime Stormwind resident, Cinhil has encountered many people over the years.

Corduin Bennett

Player: OzmaAsimov
Race: Human • Class: Death Knight • Homeland: Lordaeron
Faction(s): Knights of the Ebon Blade

RP Hooks

  • Boy's Name: Go ahead…make fun of her name. Dare you.
  • Ex-Con: Cori spent a short stint in the Stockade a few years back. Do you have connections among the convicts or guards there?
  • Professional Mercenary: In life Corduin was a merc by trade and made a bit of a name for herself as a brutal warrior who gets things done.

Countess Morgauna Thenedain

Player: OzmaAsimov
Race: Human • Class: Mage • Homeland: Tirisfal, Lordaeron
Faction(s): House Thenedain, Stormwind House of Nobles

RP Hooks

  • Noble: Morgauna is a Countess, originally of Lordaeron but now recognized in Stormwind. House Thenedain's resituation in Stormwind is entirely due to the machinations of her mother, but Morgauna herself is proving to be a skilled courtier.
  • Lordaeronian: Though she did not face the Scourge directly, Morgauna lost her homeland like every other refugee from Lordaeron.
  • Political Ambition: Despite being an outsider as a former Lordaeronian, Morgauna successfully campaigned for a seat in the House of Nobles (a prize undoubtedly due, in part, to her mother's scheming as well). Morgauna will not rest on her laurels; she has plans for Stormwind now that she is in power. She intends to push a heavy infrastructure agenda…and likely House Thenedain and other displaced Lordaeronian houses will benefit from her projects.
  • Unmarried: It is rare for a noblewoman of Morgauna's age to still be single. There have been proposals, but all declined. Exactly what sort of marriage arrangement is she looking for?
  • Secrets Are Currency: Morgauna tries to keep her own nose (mostly) clean, but her mother is an expert at digging up the lurid and unsavory details of others' lives, especially peers among the nobility. Such knowledge has been more valuable than any amount of gold to House Thenedain.
  • Family Differences: While she has been molded by her mother, Morgauna doesn't always see eye to eye with Evelaine.

Drunagh Ashenstone

Player: OzmaAsimov
Race: Dwarf • Class: Paladin • Homeland: Ironforge, Dun Moragh
Faction(s): Ironforge Guard (former), Scarlet Brotherhood (former), Knights of the Silver Hand (former)

RP Hooks

  • Former Ironforge Guard: Before becoming a paladin, Drunagh served for many years on the Ironforge Guard, first as a guardsman and later as a Thief Catcher.
  • Former Scarlet Crusader: However briefly, Drunagh was part of the Scarlet Brotherhood before they purged the non-humans from their ranks. She may have met other Scarlets and ex-Scarlets who were part of the order in those early days.


Player: Pelican
Race: Night Elf • Class: Druid • Homeland: Ashenvale
Faction(s): Cenarion Circle (reluctantly)

RP Hooks

The Cenarion Circle / Teldrassil: If you've spent any time around either in the last 3-4 years you may have seen her around.

The Battle for Mt. Hyjal: She was a courier between factions during the fighting, once again you may have seen her around.


Player: OzmaAsimov
Race: Blood Elf • Class: Warlock • Homeland: Silvermoon, Quel'thalas

RP Hooks

  • Agency: Ephemel's drive for freedom and personal power could draw her to anyone that can help her to achieve these things.
  • Something Wicked This Way Comes: Ephemel is attracted to all things dark and mysterious. Other warlocks, assassins, even death knights will all catch her interest.
  • Silvermoon Nobility: Try as she might, Ephemel cannot escape the legacy of her blood. She is a daughter of House Aro'ephel, and that sometimes comes with certain expectations and consequences.
  • Missing Mother: While others may have given up by now, Ephemel cannot let go of the mystery of her mother's disappearance.


Player: SarioDellish
Race: Human • Class: Warlock • Homeland: Westfall

RP Hooks

Glynara Craghart

Player: Mishell
Race: Dwarf • Class: Hunter • Homeland: Ironforge
Faction(s): Ironforge Mountaineers

RP Hooks

  • Mountaineers: Anyone who has recent history in the Mountaineers might know Glynara, as she's made a point of socializing with pretty much everyone.
  • Ironforge Politics: Anyone deeply involved in dwarven politics would know of her father Senator Falroy Craghart; he is a progressive type best known for having strong sympathies toward gnomes and for his humble, self-effacing persona.


Player: Mei
Race: Human • Class: Warlock • Homeland: Lordaeron
Faction(s): Cobalt Company

RP Hooks

Hexera's interests are rarely not peaked at the mention of demons or odd magics.

She has few connections to people outside of the company or her family, but has become very defensive of the Company and will often go to extreme and unauthorized lengths to insure the safety of the guild, sometimes without the authorization or knowledge of the leadership, though these moments are rare.


Player: inkie
Race: Gnome • Class: Rogue • Homeland: Gnomeregan
Faction(s): The Black Company

RP Hooks

  • Shady characters of all kinds might be acquainted with Inkie, via goblin contacts or various past Jobs.
  • Anyone with cause to know the various Alliance mercenary companies might know of Inkie and the Black Company.
  • Other gnomes might have been acquainted with Inkie in childhood decades ago.
  • Anyone requiring or who has required legal services in the Kingdom of Stormwind might have hired (or considered hiring, and then run away from) Inkie.


Player: Pelican
Race: Dwarf • Class: Warrior • Homeland: Ironforge

RP Hooks

  • The Bronze Kettle: Her brothers shop near the flight path in Ironforge, if you've hung out there you've probably seen her.
  • Ironforge Food Scene: Same thing as above, she's around.

Kerlo Quarterflash

Player: Mishell
Race: Gnome • Class: Warrior • Homeland: Gnomeregan Exile
Faction(s): 7th Legion

RP Hooks

  • 7th Legion: You'd know of him if you have connections to the 7th Legion.
  • 2nd War: He worked on planes (and even flew, once) in the 2nd war, so if you were involved in any of the battles against red dragons, you might have run into him.

Lord Eoan Westbridge

Player: Jessa
Race: Human • Class: Priest • Homeland: Stormwind
Faction(s): House of Nobles

RP Hooks

Nobility - Any noble family will know him and his family quite well. The Westbridges have a history of exemplary service to the Alliance as a whole.

Priesthood - Any paladin, priest, or just devout follower of the Light may know him, have been counseled by him, or received training or blessings from him.

The Poors - Eoan is a well-known supporter of The People. He tried to cut your taxes! He wanted to let more people into Stormwind during times of war! What a guy.

Meepsie Tinkwhistle

Player: OzmaAsimov
Race: Gnome • Class: Warlock • Homeland: Gnomeregan

RP Hooks

  • Semi-Famous Ancestor: Neddick Tinkwhistle wasn't legendary, but he was well known in M.E.G.A. (the Mechanical Engineering Guild, Associated) in his day.
  • Unruly Demons: Meepsie's control of her demons is tenuous at best, and mostly due to the binding spell that Marioly placed upon them. There is a non-zero chance they will act beyond the scope of Meepsie's instructions (and without her knowledge).

Meriane Donnach

Player: Mishell
Race: Human • Class: Mage • Homeland: Elwynn
Faction(s): Argent Dawn

RP Hooks

  • Argent Dawn: Meri was completely isolated from society until this year, so she's unlikely to have any connections, but if you're heavily involved with the Argent Dawn you have probably run into her a time or two recently.

Minitalis Heartwrench

Player: Luridel
Race: Gnome • Class: Death Knight • Homeland: Gnomeregan

RP Hooks

  • Escaped Death Knight: One of the only documented Death Knights to break free from the Lich King's control before the Battle of Light's Hope.


Player: Jessa
Race: Night Elf • Class: Priest • Homeland: Ferelas

RP Hooks

  • Hyjal: If you fought at Hyjal and were a Night Elf, you might know her. She wasn't important enough to interact with the other armies, so it's unlikely any fighters knew her personally, though things got pretty nuts and someone might have seen her.
  • Sentinels: It's possible other Sentinels knew her or her mother if they spent time in Ferelas.
  • Astranaar: Anyone from here or who's spent time here may know her. She has lived here ever since a few months after Hyjal.


Player: Jessa
Race: Gnome • Class: Warlock • Homeland: Gnomeregan, lately Ironforge

RP Hooks

  • RP Hook: The Dazzlecuts mainly sold jewelry in Stormwind or Ironforge, so it's possible you know the family if you've purchased jewelry in those cities.
  • RP Hook: The Dazzlecuts were NOT the source of the malicious rumors about Talvash del Kissel. However, the Razzle-Dazzlecuts may be. They are the black sheep of the Dazzlecut family.


Player: Athena
Race: Gnome • Class: Warlock • Homeland: Gnomeregan
Faction(s): Alliance

RP Hooks

  • The Fel: He will have strong opinions on it, and its use, system, and dangers.
  • Demons: His area of expertise!
  • The WEB: Pippin is an instructor and member of the Warlock Ethics Bureau.
  • Photography: His hobby! Pippinlopper's primary fun hobby (which he takes very seriously) is photography, where he can go on at length about the color pink and its place in black-and-white photography. His office is covered in photos of him and his demons in various locations throughout the world, as well as subjects of interest, all of which have exacting documentation of what it is, why he took the photo, and when he did.


Player: JohnA
Race: Night Elf • Class: Hunter • Homeland: Ashenvale
Faction(s): Cenarion Circle

RP Hooks

  • Old Elves: At 5000 years old, Roriandris has met a lot of night elves. They might not be friends but may at least be passing acquaintances.
  • Mount Hyjal: Rori fought at Mount Hyjal and in the battles leading up to it, so veterans of the Third War may have encountered him.
  • Mentoring Younger Elves: Part of Rori's time since the war has been spent mentoring younger elves who work with the Cenarion Circle.
  • Post-war Alliance Expeditions: Rori has been a scout, guide, and advisor to Alliance military units, particularly in Kalimdor.

Rosena Holden

Player: Athena
Race: Undead • Class: Priest • Homeland: Darrowshire
Faction(s): Forsaken

RP Hooks

  • Crimson Coterie: She is a member of this mercenary group, and will do jobs for them.
  • Chuck Silversong: Her older sister.


Player: SarioDellish
Race: Human • Class: Priest

RP Hooks

  • Northshire Abbey: Sario was taken in by the Abbey 10 years ago, and is at least passingly familiar with most people from the Abbey.

Sidhanei Ambersong

Player: Vee
Race: Night Elf • Class: Hunter • Homeland: Zin'Azshari
Faction(s): Independant/Blue Dragonsworn

RP Hooks

"Bounty Hunter"—If you have the coin…Or have crossed someone who does…But this persona has proven to be more of a ruse to disguise her true motives.
Blue Dragonsworn—Inducted and sworn by Colbaltann to serve the Blue flight since before the War of the Ancients. Loyal to Lord Malygos.
Former Sentinel—Was at Hyjal. Has since left the Sentinels
Former Azsharian Magus—Former Archmage and politician in Azshara's court. Spent 9000 years in a Watcher cell following the War of the Ancient for her crimes.

Sofira Stonewalker

Player: Luridel
Race: Dwarf • Class: Hunter • Homeland: Ironforge

RP Hooks

  • [Wanderer]: She can be just about anywhere out in the wild with no explanation needed.


Player: SarioDellish
Race: Dwarf • Class: Paladin • Homeland: Anvilmar
Faction(s): Dun Morogh Mountaineers

RP Hooks

  • Dun Morogh Mountaineer: Tadagen spent more than 150 years patrolling Dun Morogh as a Mountaineer. He assisted a great many people during that time.
  • Siege of Ironforge: As a Mountaineer, Tadagen was present for the Siege of Ironforge. Any other dwarf or gnome that was also present may have run into Tadagen, or have a mutual acquaintance.

Tiffi Crinklefork

Player: Luridel
Race: Gnome • Class: Warlock • Homeland: Gnomeregan

RP Hooks

  • Animal Lover: Is that a dog? Can she pet it?
  • Trogg Hater: Tiffi has extra explosives just for this purpose.

Timmet Grimblast

Player: Mishell
Race: Gnome • Class: Warlock • Homeland: Gnomeregan
Faction(s): Gnomeregan Exiles

RP Hooks

  • Soul Experimentation: If your character has academic interest in the manipulation of souls, they have probably at the very least read one of Timmet's papers on the subject, as he produces a rather absurd volume of writing detailing his various experiments.


Player: Athena
Race: Night Elf • Class: Druid • Homeland: Kalimdor
Faction(s): Unknown

RP Hooks

  • A Selkie: Vanaja is essentially a selkie with her pelt currently safe. But someday, that might change.

Zalael Shadowdrift

Player: OzmaAsimov
Race: Night Elf • Class: Rogue • Homeland: It's complicated
Faction(s): Ravenholdt

RP Hooks

  • Ravenholdt: Other members of the shadowy Assassin's League may know Zalael.
  • Night Elf: Actually, no. With her isolated upbringing, other night elves really wouldn't know her. But her lack of kaldorei customs and behavior would certainly stand out if she spent any length of time among night elves.

Spoiler Warning: The following RP Hooks are major spoilers for secrets about Zalael (and by extension an implied lore spoiler).


Player: Pelican
Race: Human • Class: Warlock • Homeland: Stormwind

RP Hooks

  • Stormwind Nobility: If you have moved in these circles you may have heard of her or met her.

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