
Quick Reference

Here is some basic wiki syntax to help you format your pages. For more details, see Wikidot's documentation.


+ Level 1 Heading
++ Level 2 Heading
+++ Level 3 Heading

In-line Text Formatting

//Italic// = Italic
**Bold** = Bold
__Underline__ = Underline
--Strikethrough-- = Strikethrough
^^Superscript^^ = Superscript
,,Subscript,, = Subscript

These formatting styles can be combined by "nesting" the syntax tags inside each other:

//**Italic and Bold**// = Italic and Bold
__--^^Underline, Strikethrough, and Superscript^^--__ = Underline, Strikethrough, and Superscript

Paragraph Formatting

* Bullet list items
# Numbered list Items
> Blockquoted text
= Line is centered


[ Text link]
[/category:page Link to page]
[[[name-of-page | Text*]]]

*Leaving the Text section blank will automatically use the title of the target page.


---- Horizontal line
|| Simple table ||~ heading || cell ||

Collapsible Content

One way to handle "spoilers" or content you want to hide from being immediately seen is a collapsible block (another method is spoiler tags, below). To create a collapsible block, wrap it between "collapsible" tags, like so:

[[collapsible show="+ Show This Content" hide="- Hide This Content"]]
This is the content to be shown/hidden.

The content is hidden by default, with only the text that you put in the "show" field visible. Clicking that text will reveal the content, at which point the clickable text changes to what you put in the "hide" field. Clicking it again will once again hide the collapsible content.

You can put as much or as little content as you like in a collapsible block.

Custom Tools

There are a few special bits of markup (the "code" used to make things happen on a wiki) we have here. You can copy/paste any of these into your page.


It is possible to hide "spoilers", blacking out the text until it is moused over, like so: Hey, no peeking!

This is achieved by wrapping the text between one of two types of tags, and assigning a special "spoiler" class to them. The two types of tags are "span" or "div". Use span for text that exists within or on the same line as other, unhidden text, such as the example above. Whereas "div" is used to contain an entire block of text and other content.



This text is visible. [[span class="spoiler"]]This text is hidden.[[/span]]

…will look like this:

This text is visible. This text is hidden.

Also, this…

[[div class="spoiler" style="width:950px; padding:5px;"]]
Everything between the div tags will be hidden.

Even multiple paragraphs.

…will look like this:

Everything between the div tags will be hidden.

Even multiple paragraphs.

Character Diamond

Do you like using Character Diamonds? Here is a simple way to include it on your profile. It is recommended to place this code at the top of your Personality section.

[[include Diamond trait1= | trait2= | trait3= | trait4=]]


This is an easy way to include an image within the content of your page.

[[include ImageBox
| image=
| float=
| width=
| caption=

image: Be sure to use the full image file name, including the name of the page it is uploaded to if it is a page other than the one the ImageBox is on.
float: Determines horizontal position on the page. Enter 'left', 'right', or 'center'. Enter 'none' to have no text-wrapping around the image.
width: Enter any value in pixels: e.g. '200'.
caption: Optional. Enter '@@' for no caption.


These are just a nice way of keeping notes on other characters (even Background Characters!) who have had a significant impact on your character's life. You can have as many of these as you like. Multiple RelationshipBoxes in sequence will stack atop one another.

You've probably already seen one of these on your character profile when filling out the form, looking something like this:

[[include RelationshipBox | pagename= | name= | relationship= ]]

That is a very basic, bare bones RelationshipBox, but easy enough to use for most relationships. Just fill in the fields as follows:

pagename: This is the actual name of the character's profile page, as it appears in the URL. So it needs to be lowercase. So if you're creating a relationship to Jocoza Sparkwire, this field should read: | pagename=jocoza . In the event of a character with no profile page, input the following: | pagename=no-image
name: This is the actual, IC name of the character. You can put anything you like here. Titles, nicknames, whatever.
relationship: Here is where you get to put those writing skills to work. Describe your character's relationship to this person. You can be as brief or detailed as you like. Some people prefer to state only common knowledge, others use this as a platform to grant deeper insight into a connection between two characters. This might be from your character's point of view, or kept entirely in the third-person. It's all up to you.

If you want more relationships, just copy/paste the code and enter new information for a different character.

But a RelationshipBox can be more versatile. The code above is simplified so it fits on one line, as that's a limitation of the form used to create a profile page. A more complete RelationshipBox looks like this (with explanations for additional fields below):

[[include RelationshipBox
| pagename=
| If character is a BGC, place a hyphen here| isBGC=
| If no page exists, place a hyphen here | hasNoPage=
| name=
| relationship=

isBGC: You can create relationships to BGCs (background characters). While these characters could be any BGC, this option is specifically for BGCs that have their own page here on the wiki. If the character has their own BGC profile, place a hyphen in this field, so it looks like this: | isBGC=-
hasNoPage: You can have relationships to characters that don't have a profile page at all, such as player characters that haven't been put on the wiki yet, or official NPCs from the game. In order to prevent creating a dead link, place a hyphen in this field, like so: | hasNoPage=-


A PetBox is a special kind of RelationshipBox. It works pretty much the same way, just with slightly different fields. PetBoxes stack with RelationshipBoxes, or you can create a new section specifically for your pets (we recommend a subsection in the Relationships section for this option). Note that PetBoxes do not link to profile pages, as pets don't have their own profiles.

The markup for a PetBox looks like this:

[[include PetBox
| type=
| name=
| description=

type: What type of creature is the pet? This determines which icon will appear. Pets do not have unique icons like characters do. To see what syntax is needed to produce a particular icon, see Pet Icons.
name: The pet's name. You can enter whatever you like here.
description: Describe your pet. This can be physical descriptions, personality, history, your character's relationship to the pet…whatever you like.


For announcing an upcoming Event. This is mainly used by admin or Arc runners.

[[include Event
| eventName=
| day=
| time=
| Place a hyphen in either IC or OOC (not both) to indicate the status of the event: | IC= | OOC=
| Place a hyphen in either WoW or Discord (not both) to indicate the event platform:| WoW= | Discord=
| eventDescription=


Like Event above, but tailored specifically to dungeons.

[[include DungeonEvent
| dungeon=
| day=
| date=
| time=
| Place a hyphen in either IC or OOC (not both) to indicate the status of the event: | IC= | OOC=
| Optional: Enter @@ to leave event description blank | eventDescription=
| tank=
| healer=
| dps1=
| dps2=
| dps3=
| backups=@@

Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License